Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Saturday, April 20, 1996               TAG: 9604230005


'Big' raffle

CHRISTIANSBURG - Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the New River Valley is selling raffle tickets for $2 for a Picnic Pack including a picnic table, outdoor charcoal grill and a multi-purpose lighter.

All proceeds will benefit Big Brothers/Big Sisters programs and tickets may be purchased from a board member, staff member, a Big Brother/Big Sister, a Little Brother/Little Sister or by phoning the office at 381-0662.

The drawing will be held May 22 at 16 East Main Street. Participants do not have to be present to win.

School census

CHRISTIANSBURG - All school divisions are currently conducting the triennial school census through July 15. The census is required by law to determine the distribution of the 1 percent of state sales tax funds to be returned to localities for school use.

Census takers will go door-to-door and count all children ages five through nineteen. Parents will have to give names, ages and dates of birth for every child in the family.

The Montgomery County School census takers will have identification badges and a letter from the superintendent explaining the census.

Direct questions to Judith Rutherford, director of student services, at the school board office at 382-5100.

Watercolor display

PULASKI - A collection of watercolors titled "Friends of Jesus" by Evelyn and Paul Hardy will be on display through April at the Fine Arts Center for the New River Valley.

The two artists are from England, and are the daughter and son of artist David Hardy. The two worked together around the turn of the century as book and magazine illustrators, including publications for children. They illustrated an edition of "Fairy Tales by the Brothers Grimm" about 1898.

The works on exhibit are on loan from Pulaski attorney Randolph D. Eley, and were done for a book titled "Friends of Jesus" depicting various events from the Old and New Testaments. The book was produced about 1919.

Eley has also loaned a collection of oil lamps used from the early Bronze Age through the time of Jesus and into the Byzantine period. Also on display are Roman coins, including the coin referred to in the story of the "Widow's Mite."

Partnership meeting

CHRISTIANSBURG - The Town and County Citizen Partnership will meet Thursday from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Morning Glory Cafe on Cambria Street.

The topic for discussion will be concerns and options for land use planning in Montgomery County and its towns.

Citizens of Christiansburg, Blacksburg and Montgomery County are invited to take part in this panel discussion.

For more information, contact Gary Harkrader at 382-2626 or Ann Hess at 382-8235.

Playground work

Volunteers are needed to help build "Treasure Island Playground" at the public ball park in Pembroke.

Construction, which began on Wednesday continues through Sunday. Work shifts are 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 5 p.m. to close. Lunch and dinner will be served to workers on site.

Everyone is invited to participate and there is something for everyone to do.

For more information, contact Sandy Jennings at 626-5290.

Scholarship deadline

BLACKSBURG - The Rotary Foundation of Montgomery County is accepting applications for the 1997-98 Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarships to be awarded worldwide.

The scholarships help students study abroad in one of 150 countries where Rotary clubs are located. They are for one academic year and provide up to $21,500 or its equivalent for round-trip transportation, tuition and fees, room and board and supplies.

Students chosen to receive the scholarship act as ambassadors of goodwill by appearing at Rotary club meetings, schools, civic organizations and other forums to represent the United States.

Applications must be submitted by Sunday. Candidates will be interviewed Friday, July 19 at the Virginia Western Community College in Roanoke.

For application information, contact Ned Lester at (540) 231-5631.

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