Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Friday, May 10, 1996                   TAG: 9605100066
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-2  EDITION: METRO 


THE SENIOR OUTFIELDER hits two homers as Cave Spring gains revenge for an early-season softball loss.

With a television camera stationed in left field, Cave Spring's Kari Whitney put on a performance worthy of highlights on ESPN's ``SportsCenter.''

The senior outfielder smashed two home runs and threw out a runner at the plate Thursday. That was more than enough to help the Knights knock off William Byrd 11-1 in a high school softball game and avenge one of their two losses this spring.

Whitney also caught teammate Sarah Oglivie, who led Timesland home run hitters with five going into this week. The two have combined for 10 of the Knights' 14 homers this spring.

When asked if she'd rather hit a homer or make a defensive play, Whitney said: ``I really just like to win.''

Whitney is one of three seniors on a team that has a new coach in Lynn Saunders. The youth hasn't slowed Cave Spring (12-2), which is leading the Roanoke Valley District standings. The Knights started slowly, losing to William Byrd, which is locked in a three-way tie for the Blue Ridge District lead.

``We've all worked together, and everyone just kept hitting the ball. We haven't hit like this in past years,'' said Whitney, who opened the scoring with a leadoff homer in bottom of the second. ``That Byrd loss was one of our first games, and we didn't have everything together.''

Byrd tied the score in the third with three hits off Knights pitcher Kerry Fair. Jodie Stuckey singled in the run, but then Fair stopped the Terriers by allowing only one other runner to advance past second.

Whitney put Fair on easy street in the third as she smacked a three-run homer to make it 5-1. As she had done in the first inning, Whitney hopped on the first pitch from Stuckey, who started in place of Tamassa Adams, who was resting for a showdown with Lord Botetourt this afternoon.

Saunders isn't surprised at the offense being produced by the Knights, who collected 15 hits.

``I knew we were going to be a strong hitting team. We work at it,'' Saunders said. ``We've had a few good hitting teams through the years. But I believe this is the best one.''

Saunders would get no argument from William Byrd coach Billy Meador, whose club lost to Salem on Wednesday.

``We're struggling a little bit,'' he said. ``Today, I was just trying to get players some playing time. I wanted them to relax and not get anyone hurt.''

Sophomore Carrie Doupnik was the only consistent bat for the Terriers (12-3), with three singles.

NOTE: Please see microfilm for scores.

LENGTH: Medium:   56 lines

by CNB