Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, May 12, 1996                   TAG: 9605130033


Riner fundraiser

RINER - The Friends of Riner, a citizen's group, will hold a meeting on Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Riner Fire House. Dan Brugh of the Virginia Department of Transportation will answer questions regarding area roads and the impact on the community of a four-lane highway from the Floyd County line to Christiansburg.

Call Kitty Brennan at 382-3084.

Program accredited

RADFORD - Radford University's College of Education and Human Development has received accreditation from the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). One-third of counselor education programs in the U.S. have this accreditation and it is the highest a counselor education program can receive. CACREP programs include a minimum of 48 semester hours of course work, an advanced practicum and two 300-hours internships.

Call Donald Anderson at 831-6265 or Paula Stanley at 831-5835 or 552-9351 for more information.

Support partners

BLACKSBURG - People or families interested in becoming support partners for parents or families of persons with disabilities can attend a free training session on May 20 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Mary's Church at 706 Harding Ave., in Blacksburg. Free child care and refreshments will be available

Call Lisa Pluska or Gene Emery at 231-3213 or 1-800-368-0722.

New SHARE hosts

CHRISTIANSBURG - Two new host organizations in Montgomery County are now participating in SHARE Virginia.

Participants and volunteers can sign up with St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Christiansburg after Sunday service or by calling Danielle Bland at 382-0844.

The second new host group is Chi Delta Alpha sorority at Virginia Tech. Call Tiffany Gunnarson at 552-2884 to sign up.

Self Help And Resource Exchange is a program in which pariticants pay $14 and volunteer two hours of their time each month for a food basket worth $30. The basket contains fresh fruits and vegetables, staples and frozen meats.

The two hours of community service can be completed at the local host organization, at the SHARE warehouse in Pulaski, or at any other area volunteer organization. Several dozen host groups are already operating throughout the New River Valley.

Route 8 meetings

RADFORD - The New River Planning District Commission will hold a series of public meetings in May and June on traffic issues along the Virginia 8 (Route 8) corridor. The first meeting is Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Floyd County Courtroom; the second meeting is May 23 at 7:30 p.m. at Auburn High School in Riner.

The Virginia 8 corridor, as the major link between Floyd and Montgomery Counties and the connector from Interstate 81 to the Blue Ridge Parkway is one of regional importance.

Citizens will have their input recorded in a study looking at the effects of growth and implications for future transportation and land use issues along the corridor.

Follow-up meetings will be held in late June to provide citizens with the results of the study and an opportunity to make recommendations on needed corridor improvements.

Call Amy Tweeten at 639-9313.

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