Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, May 12, 1996                   TAG: 9605130179
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C10  EDITION: METRO 


Roanoke College women's lacrosse team made an early exit from the NCAA Division III Tournament on Sunday with a 28-16 loss to Goucher at Belson Field in Towson, Md.

The win sends the Gophers (18-1) to the Final Four next weekend at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pa. Roanoke finished at 12-3.

Things started off well for Roanoke as Kara Hedges scored on an unassisted goal two minutes into the game. Goucher answered with five of the next six goals to grab a 5-2 lead.

The Maroons pulled to 5-4 on an Ali Ogelsby goal, but the Gophers scored six of the next eight goals to take an 11-6 halftime lead. Goucher's Courtney Crangi finished the half with four goals and three assists.

Roanoke scored the first four goals of the second half, cutting into the deficit and making the score 11-10 with 23 minutes remaining.

Goucher then scored nine of the next 10 goals to lead 20-11, three goals more than Roanoke had allowed in any game all season. The team traded goals for the rest of the game.

Fittingly Crangi notched the final goal with one second to play giving the Gophers the 12-goal win.

``We knew it was going to be a high-scoring game and we needed to put together a couple of good defensive stands,'' said Roanoke coach Tracy Coyne. ``We are a young team, and we just didn't put together a full 60 minutes.''

The Maroons did not have a regular senior starter and look to be strong next season.

Crangi scored 10 goals and had six assists, setting tournament records for goals, assists and total points with 16. Ogelsby and Lisa Franzino led the Maroons with five goals each.

Kathy Frick, Goucher's coach, is a former Roanoke assistant.

LENGTH: Short :   41 lines

by CNB