Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Monday, May 13, 1996                   TAG: 9605130159
SECTION: NEWSFUN                  PAGE: 3    EDITION: METRO 


It's a perfect fit - Leah Golden and the fourth grade. Not that she didn't enjoy teaching other elementary school pupils, but there are lots of things about fourth-graders and their curriculum that appeal to Golden.

"I like their receptiveness, and at the same time their ability to make their own decisions," she said. "Their creativity is astounding, and I love their sense of humor."

Golden, who returned to the classroom this year after three years as a reading specialist, teaches all subjects, but especially enjoys the emphasis on Virginia history in fourth grade.

"I've learned more this year through Mrs. Golden's love for the fourth grade's program and her interest in the school work," said her nominator. "Her excitement and the way she treats us with respect has made me want to learn."

Golden says she's worked hard at integrating all subjects so her pupils can understand how they're related. "In life, we don't separate our math or reading. When we connect children's learning, it raises their thinking to a higher level."

Married and the mother of two high school students, Golden is a native of Richmond and resident of Lexington. She enjoys interior decorating, reading, gardening and cooking.

LENGTH: Short :   32 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  Leah Golden\Fourth grade, Natural Bridge Elementary

by CNB