Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, May 16, 1996                 TAG: 9605160025


THE VIRGINIA PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS ASSOCIATION recently recognized Teena Cook of Salem and Tommy Firebaugh with its fellow of photography degree at the group's annual convention in Williamsburg. The degree recognizes success in print competition and service to the organization.

PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF THE BLUE RIDGE has named the officers and new members of its board of directors for the 1996-97 year. The new officers are Charlotte Porterfield, chair; Robert Archer, vice chair; Jodie Caplan, treasurer; Anne Richardson, secretary; and Vera Johnson, assistant secretary.

The new board members are Betty Lesko, Lynn Meyer, Robin Murphy-Kelso, Diane Rinehard, Rosel Schewel, and Dr. Alice P. Turner.

ANDREW POINDEXTER, a 40-year employee of Hollins College, has been named the Valley's Older Worker of the Year. The LOA Area Agency on Aging's Employment and Training Program sponsored the Roanoke Valley Older Worker competition; Poindexter, 61, was chosen by a committee of human resource professionals from a group of 35 nominees.

THE BENT MOUNTAIN WOMAN'S CLUB recently elected Mary Patterson president for the 1996-1998 club year.

Others elected to office were: Esther Baldwin, vice president; Cathy Fisher, secretary; Mary Walker, treasurer; Mary Lynn Murrie, parliamentarian.

Bent Mountain also recently won district awards: five first place in conservation, legislation, education, ways and means, and home life; one second place in safety; three special recognition in arts and crafts, international affairs and public affairs. Bent Mountain also won the VFWC State Project Camp Easter Seal East.

In the Blue Ridge District Arts and Crafts competition, Bent Mountain won five blue ribbons. Ester Baldwin won a second- and third-place ribbon at the VFWC state competition, along with a VFWC first place for their work with the Salvation Army.

THE AMERICAN CONTRACT BRIDGE LEAGUE recently held its sectional tournament, sponsored by American Express Financial Advisers. Winners of Stratified Pairs on the tournament's first day were: Stratum A (day), David Branch and Bob Spencer; Stratum B (day), Mary Barnard and Peggy Daniel; Stratum C (day), Brookey Parrott and Ann Stevens; Stratum A (evening), Leonard Smith and Douglas Althouse; Stratum B (evening), David Walker and S.D. Moore; Stratum C (evening), Betsy Moomaw and Robert Haenel; Open Knockout (evening), Alexander and Frannie Weiss, Keith Hungate, Tom Callaham and Marsha Platnick. On the second day of the event, the winners were as follows: Stratum A (day), Tom Callaham and Keith Hungate; Stratum B (day), Barnard and Peggy Shiflett; Stratum C (day), Linda Sherer and Ryan Walker; Stratum A (evening), David Platnick and Pete Robey; Stratum B and C (evening), Matt and Annette Fowler.

LENGTH: Medium:   53 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  (headshots) Cook, Firebaugh.

by CNB