Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Friday, May 17, 1996                   TAG: 9605170066
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-9  EDITION: METRO 


WINSTON-SALEM'S Marlon Allen continues to pound Salem pitching, providing the offensive spark in a 9-4 victory.

A thorn in the side. A rock in the shoe. A sty in the eye.

Call him what you will, Winston-Salem's Marlon Allen has been a menace to the Salem Avalanche this baseball season.

Allen smacked two home runs and drove in four runs to lead the Warthogs past the Avalanche 9-4 on Thursday night in a Carolina League game as Winston-Salem won two of three games in the series.

Allen has torched Salem pitching this season, going 9-for-19 with three doubles and four homers, including three this series. He has seven homers for the season.

The Warthogs (22-17) took a 3-0 lead in bottom of the second off Salem starter Brent Crowther on Amador Arias' two-out, two-run single and James Lofton's RBI single.

Salem's Steve Bernhardt cut the lead to 3-2 on a two-run double, but the Avalanche saw Allen hit a broken-bat two-run homer in the sixth to give the Warthogs a 5-2 lead.

Salem (21-19) again cut the lead to one in the seventh. Pookie Jones doubled with one out, Mike Higgins walked and Bernhardt hit an infield single to load the bases.

Elvis Pena then walked off Warthogs reliever Pete Magre to bring in Jones. One out later, Magre hit John Giudice with a pitch to bring in Higgins and cut the lead to 5-4. Salem, though, left the bases loaded in the seventh without scoring anymore, then came up empty after filling the bases again in the eighth.

Winston-Salem put away the game in the eighth. Dee Jenkins led off with a solo homer off Crowther to make it 6-4. Luis Colmenares was brought in to relieve Crowther and walked Nick Morrow before Allen followed with his second two-run homer of the game, producing an 8-4 lead.

LENGTH: Short :   48 lines

by CNB