Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Tuesday, May 21, 1996                  TAG: 9605210088
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 5    EDITION: METRO 


Kermit made Muppet history Sunday when he received an honorary Doctorate of Amphibious Letters from Long Island University's Southampton College in Southhampton, N.Y. He was honored for his work on environmental issues.

Although he has spoken at Harvard and Oxford universities, this was Kermit's first commencement address. He advised graduates to save the world's swamps.

``The time has come for you to drop your tails and leave this swamp,'' he said. ``But I am sure, wherever I go as I travel around the world, I will find each and every one of you working your tails off to save other swamps and give those of us who live there a chance to survive.''

Although there was a bit of controversy when school officials named Kermit the commencement speaker, no disappointment was evident on graduation day.

``It was cool,'' said graduate Sharyn Wallen.``I was glad that we had someone that I can relate to rather than someone you don't even know.''

Andrew Young, the former mayor of Atlanta, and his wife, Carolyn, couldn't agree on what to call their marriage ceremony at Atlanta's Union Baptist Church.

The Youngs were married two months ago in Cape Town, South Africa, with Archbishop Desmond Tutu presiding. They exchanged vows again on Sunday for family and friends who missed the first ceremony, and to get a U.S. marriage license.

Young, the 64-year-old co-chairman of the Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games, called the replay ``a worship service.'' His bride, a 52-year-old fifth-grade teacher, called it ``a wedding.''

Whatever it was, Carolyn Young said she wasn't as nervous this time around. ``I'm more comfortable here at home,'' she said.

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