ROANOKE TIMES Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times DATE: Thursday, May 23, 1996 TAG: 9605230019 SECTION: NEIGHBORS PAGE: S-13 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: FRANCES STEBBINS
Brian Orahood, a former youth pastor of Edgewood Christian Church, will begin his ministry as senior pastor of Salem Church of Christ on June 2. Orahood has been serving a congregation in Stafford County near Fredericksburg. He and his wife, Jana, have two daughters. The church's former minister, Jim Herron, continues on the staff with a specialty in family counseling.
The Rev. Noel Taylor, a former mayor of Roanoke, will be honored Saturday and Sunday at the church he has served for 35 years, High Street Baptist. The Anchor of Hope Gymnasium in the Family Life Center he led the congregation in building will now bear his name. Dedication of the sports area will take place at a banquet there at 6 p.m. on Saturday. Taylor, 71, came to Roanoke after a career as an educator and graduation from Virginia Seminary and College in Lynchburg, from which he has an honorary degree. The family life center was occupied 10 years ago.
The Rev. Sara L. Hudson has been awarded a doctor of ministry degree from Drew University in New Jersey. Hudson, who is pastor of the Mountain View United Methodist congregations at Stewartsville and Chamblissburg, east of Vinton, researched "The Church's Ministry To Those with Chronic Pain."
The Rev. Jay D. Owens, pastor of Lynn Haven Baptist Church in Vinton, has graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Texas. His doctor of philosophy degree had a concentration on New Testament and archaeology.
Dollie English, a member of Mount Moriah Baptist Church for 70 years, was honored there recently at the 138th anniversary service for the congregation near Bonsack. Others who received plaques for service were Louise C. Thompson, clerk; and Cleveland Lamey and Ben Clayborne, deacons.
The Coventry Handbell Ringers of Charlotte, N.C., will perform June 15 at 7:30 p.m. at Greene Memorial United Methodist Church, 402 Second St. S.W. From First Presbyterian Church, the bell choir is directed by Robert Ivey, who has led it in performances internationally.
A gospel music program will be presented Sunday at 3:30 p.m. at Guiding Star Church of God in Christ, 804 Madison Ave. N.W. Guest singers will be the Voices of Women Plus Three. The Guiding Star Sonshine Band is the sponsor.
The RAM clothing closet, one of the services of Roanoke Area Ministries for inner-city Roanoke residents, will close for the summer on May 30. Housed at Central Church of the Brethren in downtown Roanoke, it will reopen in August prior to the start-up of school.
A Monacan Indian tribe living in Amherst County will benefit from a special offering to be taken on June 2 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Salem. The gift will honor retiring Bishop A. Heath Light, who supported a move to restore to the tribe land the Episcopal Church had owned. The Monacans are developing a museum in the Bear Mountain community north of Lynchburg.
St. John's Episcopal Church in downtown Roanoke has postponed plans to begin construction of a multimillion-dollar addition and renovation of its facilities, which were scheduled to begin in June. M. Caldwell Butler, a leader in the Spirit is Building project, said the three contractors who submitted bids for renovation of the present building and a new Community Life Center set their costs too high, and the board of the parish rejected all bids. Further study will be made of the expansion, which Butler said definitely will be accomplished.
St. John Lutheran Church at Cave Spring will begin on June 16 a Sunday morning schedule of three services. Those at 8 and 11 a.m. will follow a familiar style of the 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship for churchgoers who prefer a "traditional" service. At 9:30 a.m. an informal contemporary service will take place; music for it will be by guitars and electronic piano. The Rev. Mark Graham, pastor, said the church's founder, Martin Luther, favored variety in worship services, and for several years the parish has experimented with new styles. The parish will return to 8:30 and 11 a.m. worship on Sept. 1.
Stephen Tinch, a Pentecostal evangelist from Chesapeake, will be the guest speaker Sunday at 10:45 a.m. at Spirit of Life Full Gospel Baptist Church, 1806 Loudon Ave. N.W.
Homecoming is scheduled Sunday at Staunton Avenue Church of God, 1926 Staunton N.W. Worship at 11 a.m., led by the Rev. Rawleigh Quarles Sr., will be followed by lunch. At 3 p.m. Terrance Brown, pastor of Light of the World Christian Fellowship of Roanoke, will be guest preacher.
The Rev. Jeanne T. Finley, pastor of Newport-Mount Olivet United Methodist churches in Giles County, will lead a Spiritual Life Retreat June 8 at Camp Alta Mons near Shawsville. "The Gift of Your Story" will be its theme. Registration deadline is Friday. Call 342-7881 or 774-9656 for more information. The retreat will be in session from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and has a $6 charge for lunch.
Revival services led by the Rev. Stephen Creech, pastor of Gogginsville United Methodist Church in Franklin County, will end tonight at 7:30 at Grace United Methodist Church, 4404 Williamson Road. Creech formerly served the Buchanan Charge.
A Promise Keepers study, open to Christian men of the community, will begin Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Salem Baptist Church, 103 N. Broad St. in Salem. Books for the study, "The Seven Promises of the Promise Keeper," are available for $10 by calling 387-0416. The study continues for seven weeks. Promise Keepers is a national movement to encourage men in Christian responsibility to family and work.
A Christian Play, "The Old Ship of Zion," will be presented by the Cottage Community Club Sunday at 7 p.m. at Hill Street Baptist Church, 111 Madison Ave. N.W. Maxine Hunt will be pianist, with Mary Jones the director.
Pilgrim Baptist Church will honor its pastor, the Rev. Dwight O. Steele, on Sunday at 6 p.m. It is the ninth anniversary of his coming to the church at 1415 Eighth St. N.W. Guest speaker will be the Rev. Charles Bowens of New Testament Baptist Church in Portsmouth. The Hubbard Memorial Ensemble will provide music.
Send material to Frances Stebbins, Neighbors, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke, 24010-2491 by noon Thursday. Please include a daytime telephone number.
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