Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Tuesday, June 4, 1996                  TAG: 9606040035
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-1  EDITION: METRO 


The question of who will be the next boys' basketball coaches at Roanoke's two city high schools - William Fleming and Patrick Henry - may be partially answered.

Roland Lovelace is Fleming's choice provided one hurdle can be cleared. At Patrick Henry, the picture is still fuzzy, though former Roanoke College coach Ed Green is the front-runner.

Lovelace, according to two sources, will be named at William Fleming to follow long-time coach Burrall Paye, who retired in the middle of this past season. There is a condition that Lovelace be reassigned to a teaching position at Fleming or he will not take the job. Lovelace currently teaches at Ruffner Middle School.

Lovelace is the girls' basketball coach and offensive coordinator in football. One source said Lovelace has told his girls' basketball team that he will be the Fleming boys' coach.

``I only told them that I had applied for the job. I can't take the basketball job until it's been given to me,'' said Lovelace. ``When I interviewed [for the job] they seemed to agree with me on everything I said. They just haven't officially offered me the job.''

Lovelace, according to the source, will remain as Fleming's offensive coordinator in football either way. He's been a key member of the coaching staff for George Miller, who took over last year as the school's football coach. Fleming, with a veteran team, figures to be a contender in this year's Roanoke Valley District football race.

Lovelace will rely on Marshall Ashford, who was head coach after Paye resigned, and Mickey Hardy to help him as assistant coaches in basketball. Ashford had been offered the head coaching position following the season, but decided for personal reasons not to accept.

Fleming principal Alyce Szathmary had no comment on the basketball coaching job.

Patrick Henry principal Betty Lee was out of town Monday and couldn't be reached for comment. According to one member of the Patrick Henry committee, Green was Lee's choice after the first interviews, but there was some disagreement so the committee members talked to other candidates.

One of those brought in for an interview was Rich Lyons, athletic director at Luray and former Albemarle boys' basketball coach. Lyons was not on the original list of potential candidates.

Patrick Henry is also set to interview Jack Elsworthy, the boys' basketball coach the last four years at Central Dauphin East High School in Harrisburg, Pa. Elsworthy impressed the Fleming committee, which gave his name to the people at Patrick Henry when Fleming decided to hire Lovelace.

Elsworthy said Monday he had not heard from either school since he talked to Fleming about the job. Elsworthy turned the program around at Central Dauphin East and has averaged 18 victories a year the past three seasons following a 5-19 record his first winter when he started four sophomores.

Green, a former coach at Roanoke College, is an assistant principal at Kennard-Dale High School in Fawn Grove, Pa., where he has been for two years.

According to a source, the Patrick Henry committee members were worried that Green might use Patrick Henry as a stepping stone back into college coaching or a higher level in administration.

Green said he hasn't heard from Patrick Henry since he interviewed for the position several weeks ago. He denied that he was looking to use Patrick Henry as a stepping stone and said he's hopeful of establishing a long-term situation at Patrick Henry.

Howard Light, director of health and physical education for the Roanoke City schools, sits on both committees.

``I wish I could tell you about the Patrick Henry job,'' Light said. ``We still have vacancies for the wrestling, volleyball and a coach in cheerleading that we haven't filled.''

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