Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, June 6, 1996                 TAG: 9606060023


Resting on Holly Venhorst's glass-topped dresser are a teddy bear, two troll dolls, two key chains and lots of chocolate.

These gifts are not from her family or boyfriend.

She received them from Martha Willis' second-grade class at Bedford Elementary School. Venhorst, a Liberty High School senior who wants to be a teacher, instructs the class Monday through Friday from 8 to 10 a.m.

She is one of 20 Bedford-area high school students in a program that initially dealt with advanced child care, but has expanded over time to include student-teaching.

The kids in the class - 10 girls and nine boys - truly respect her, even though she's not a licensed teacher.

"I was really surprised - they call me Miss Venhorst," she said.

Because of this and other experiences, Venhorst said she wants to make a career of teaching the second grade.

"Second grade is definitely my niche," she said.

When asked for her favorite memory from the class, however, Venhorst said she couldn't pick out one moment that was the greatest. Anytime she realizes that a child has developed as a student and "every time I see that they've learned something" is fulfilling, she said.

Venhorst, who will attend Lynchburg College next year, said she has always wanted to teach. Indeed, she started baby-sitting at age 10.

The 18-year-old wants to give back to the educational system what she thinks she has gotten out of it. After taking classes with many good teachers, she said, she wants to be one herself.

Besides her involvement with the teaching program, Venhorst is also the president of the Spanish club at Liberty and a member of the student government.

She was the student co-chair of the organization involved in conducting the after-prom party as well.

And, as if Venhorst, who only sleeps five to six hours a night, wasn't busy enough, she has another significant job. She's scheduled to sing "One Moment in Time," a song made popular by Whitney Houston, at Liberty's graduation ceremony on June 8 at 3 p.m. in the Vines Center at Liberty University.

Venhorst will graduate sixth out of a class of 197. Because of a county regulation, Liberty does not choose a valedictorian or salutatorian, but recognizes the top 10 students in the class, said Roger Johnson, the school's director of guidance.

According to Johnson, 62 of the 197 students in the graduating class will go to four-year colleges, 46 will attend two-year colleges and five will go to technical schools. Thirteen students will enter the military, and 69 will join the work force. Two members of the class are exchange students.

The class had garnered $425,000 worth of merit-based scholarships as of May 20.

LENGTH: Medium:   61 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  (headshot) Venhorst.

by CNB