Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, June 6, 1996                 TAG: 9606060027
                                             TYPE: LETTERS 


REGARDING the John Warner controversy:

I would like to add a thought that, to my knowledge, hasn't been expressed publicly.

It seems to me that if one belongs to a political party and disagrees with an action by that party, silence is indicated. To overtly oppose an action of the party may be commendable and courageous, but a further step is necessary to retain honor and integrity: Resign from the party.

Failing that, the party should expel that person.

Consequently, both the senator and the Republican Party have lost esteem. But then, honesty and courage are rare in politics, and honor even more so.


Dance instruction|

teaches life skills|

AS A DANCE teacher in the Roanoke Valley, I was very pleased to see an article (May 22, ``Stepping forward'') on dance. However, it unfairly criticized what my mother and I have devoted our lives to. Obviously, staff writer Matt Chittum doesn't know all ballet schools very well.

Thirty years ago, my mother started teaching dance for the Roanoke Recreation Department, and then she rented space and opened her own studio. In 1981, she built her own dance studio complete with mirrors, barres and a sound system. After I graduated from James Madison University in 1991 with a bachelor's degree in dance, we built an additional studio enabling us to offer more classes. We also began two performing companies.

Our students have won regional and national awards at every competition they have attended. The awards are nice, but even more important, these girls learn valuable life skills such as discipline, self-confidence, teamwork and responsibility.

I hope Chittum will not take for granted what beneficial and positive results can come from dance lessons and recitals. I know he and others would be surprised at the young talent that's here in the Roanoke Valley. |LYNN STONE HAMPTON |Dance teacher, Ardell Stone |School of Dancing Inc. |ROANOKE

North seals it|

for John Warner|

WELL, Oliver North is at it again. If Jim Miller had a chance at all, it was shot when North endorsed him. With North's past record of lying to Congress, paper shredding and secret Swiss bank accounts, who would even listen to him?

John Warner has nothing to worry about now. Old Ollie has opened the door for him. Another job well done.


Salem ducks its|


REGARDING your May 28 news article (``Sorry about the car but ... '') about a family whose car was hit in Salem by a fire truck on call:

Evidently, many communities use laws protecting themselves from having to take responsibility for their workers' actions. The Salem government has decided that it, too, is not responsible. As individuals, we're held responsible for our actions. But as a governmental group, well, we're going to pass the buck. How convenient. After all, we're so broke in Salem that we can't afford to pay our heating bill (for the Jacuzzi at the ball field).

More and more, I see signs saying, "We are not responsible.'' Maybe there should be a sign as you enter Salem saying, "Salem - home of the Spartans and a city with no responsibility."

I don't know this family, but I know that I live in a great town that has given a family the shaft. As long as the officials who had control over this decision prefer to make irresponsible decisions, I'm really disappointed in my city's government.


LENGTH: Medium:   79 lines

by CNB