Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, June 6, 1996                 TAG: 9606060059
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-3  EDITION: METRO 


Jerod Dalton isn't concerned with the 22 games the Giles baseball team has won in 1996. The first baseman's thoughts instead focus on the two that lie ahead. That's how many games stand between the Spartans and a Group A title following their 10-7 quarterfinal victory Wednesday over St.Paul.

``The only thing we can do to prepare for the next two games is to stay focused,'' Dalton said. ``We're playing some first-class baseball right now. We just have to continue to give it all we've got with what we've got if we want the title.''

Giles (22-1) advances to a state semifinal, where it will face Region D champion Powell Valley at 7 p.m. today. Powell Valley advanced with a 9-4 victory Tuesday over Grayson County.

The Spartans wrapped up a victory that began on Tuesday and was halted by rain after 31/2 innings with Giles leading 8-5.

Left-hander Josh Stephens picked up his seventh victory of the season without a defeat. Stephens worked four innings, scattering four hits and giving up five runs - only one of which was earned - while striking out seven. Ben Brown threw three innings for the save. Curtis Evans (7-3) took the loss, allowing 10 runs in two innings.

Dalton provided the offensive muscle for Giles, going 3-for-4 with a home run, double, three runs batted in and three runs scored. His fourth-inning blast off Evans cleared the left-field fence and stretched Giles' advantage to 10-5.

St.Paul (14-6) countered Dalton's two-run homer with one of its own in the fifth off Brown. Jason Gross lined a 2-1 pitch over the right-field fence, cutting the Spartans' lead to 10-7.

Brown settled down and retired the last six Deacons he faced, the final out being a come-backer to the mound.

``Ben was a little shaky early on but once he started getting his breaking stuff over, he began pitching like Ben can,'' Frazier said. ``We didn't really have any thoughts at all of throwing Stephens again today. We put the ball and the game in Ben's hands and he did a great job.''

Giles center fielder Chris Hutchinson laced three hits, and designated hitter Neal Mustard added a pair of singles and an RBI in the victory.

NOTE: Please see microfilm for scores.

LENGTH: Short :   49 lines

by CNB