Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Wednesday, June 12, 1996               TAG: 9606120030
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-1  EDITION: METRO 


THE PANTHERS' NEW BOSS has worked with some basketball notables.

Larry Mangino, whose resume includes a who's who of coaching contacts, has been named to fill the men's basketball vacancy at Ferrum College.

Mangino succeeds Bill Pullen, who resigned April 26 after compiling a 148-137 record in 11 seasons as the Panthers' coach.

Mangino comes to Ferrum from Clark University in Worcester, Mass., where he had a five-year record of 52-74, including 12-13 in 1995-96. That was up from 3-22 in 1995.

Mangino, a 1983 graduate of Montclair (N.J.) State, was an assistant coach at George Washington and Yale before moving to Clark. He also worked for a year at Montclair State under Brian Hill, the coach of the Orlando Magic in the NBA.

Mangino also gained experience at summer camps conducted by the Boston Celtics, University of North Carolina, Villanova, Holy Cross and Yale.

Neither Mangino nor Ferrum athletic director T. Michael Kinder was available for contact. Mangino is in Chapel Hill, N.C., at the UNC men's basketball camp.

``We are excited about the opportunity to have Larry Mangino join our staff,'' said Kinder in a statement released by the school's sports information office. ``He's worked with some of the finest basketball coaches in the country and should bring valuable experience to our program.''

Ferrum has won Dixie Conference regular-season titles in three of the past five years and finished one game out of first this past year despite an 11-13 record.

``I'm looking forward to competition in the very challenging Dixie Conference,'' said Mangino in a prepared statement. ``The success of this league nationally is impressive and we hope to make our mark in the not-so-distant future.''

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