Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, June 13, 1996                TAG: 9606140063


Here's what some voters had to say as they left the polls 1. Jim Miller's ties to the social conservatives prompted a backlash from moderate voters.

"I don't want Pat Robertson to run the state."

- Claude Thompson, Dublin, explaining his vote for Warner.

"I'm getting tired of hearing McSwiney squeal."

- Bill Ballentine, Roanoke, making a reference to former state Republican chairman Pat McSweeney.

2. Oliver North's endorsement of Jim Miller backfired by motivating Warner voters.

"I'm voting against Oliver North, that's one thing."

- Joe M. Williams, Pulaski, explaining his vote for Warner.

3. What appeared to some Republican activists to be Warner's acts of disloyalty appeared to other voters as acts of political courage.

"He got criticized a lot for not standing up for the party. I'm a Republican but, if that's what he believes, he should be commended."

- Russell Shockley, Dublin

"You can be a Republican but you're not committed to anybody that a special-interest group can put up for office."

- Mack McPherson, Roanoke County

4. It's hard to oust a senior senator.

"When you get an experienced man, you might as well hold to him."

- Claude Wray, Roanoke

"Don't throw away a good thing. We need to throw away all the seniority we've got and put in another do-nothing freshman, right?

- Bill Ballentine, Roanoke

"John Warner has done a good job for the people of Virginia and I want to see him back in there."

- Brenda Thompson, Montgomery County

5. A lot of Democrats like Warner - and, with Virginia's open primary law, saw no problems voting in a Republican primary.

"They said it was open to everyone. I try not to miss an election."

- Todi Minetree, Christiansburg, a self-described Democrat who voted for Warner.

"I'm a Democrat, but I would rather see Warner run than Miller."

- Carole Aspell, Roanoke

6. Warner's military ties and status on the Senate Armed Service Committee helped - and not just in areas with a military bases.

"I'm ex-military and I think he does a good job for the military."

- John Hamrick, Pulaski

"He was a good military man."

- Ray Vuicick, Pulaski

- Reported by Michael Croan, Paul Dellinger, Kathy Loan and Dwayne Yancey

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