Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, June 20, 1996                TAG: 9606200011


School Census is under way

Roanoke residents who recently received a Virginia School Census form are urged to send the requested information to the census office by following instructions mailed with the form.

The commonwealth of Virginia will use the census to determine the distribution of the 1 percent state sales tax money and other monies to localities.

Residents who have questions about the forms may call 853-1608 for more information.

Golf tournament to benefit ARC

ARC Roanoke and Ground Round Inc. will sponsor a Captain's Choice charity golf tournament July 13 at Hanging Rock Golf Club.

The tournament will benefit ARC's work with retarded citizens.

The entry fee is $60 per player or $240 per team. The minimum combined handicap is 40.

For more information call 982-2018.

Zoo extends hours on Fridays

Mill Mountain Zoo will remain open on Fridays until 8 p.m. now through Labor Day.

Regular hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.

For more information call 343-3241.

Families needed for foreign children

Adoption Services Inc. is in need of families interested in adopting children from Russia, the Philippines, China, Romania and Central and South America. The adoption process takes approximately six to nine months.

Call 989-2845, for more information.

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