Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, June 20, 1996                TAG: 9606200022



Joseph and Janice Wright, members of Mill Creek Baptist Church in Botetourt County, have arrived in Jerusalem to teach at a Southern Baptist school there for three years. The couple left Mill Creek in April for training with the Southern Baptist Foreign Mission Board.

Debbie Mooty, who has developed the Community Outreach Program for inner-city children over the past four years, will leave the director's job July 31. Mooty said her plans are undecided. The program offers after-school activities for pupils from several Roanoke neighborhoods and is a ministry of Trinity United Methodist Church, with many volunteers from other congregations.

Laura Mayhew, a member of Bonsack Baptist Church, is serving as a summer missionary in Boiling Springs, S.C., as part of the South Carolina Baptist Convention's summer mission program.

Mayhew, a student at Lord Botetourt High School, is one of almost 80 missionaries serving for 10 weeks in various parts of South Carolina. |MUSICAL EVENTS| Free summer organ recitals have begun under sponsorship of the Roanoke Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. All are on Sunday afternoons at 3 in air-conditioned churches and are open to people of all ages. Dress is informal. The next recital, June 30, will feature Sally Goff at Second Presbyterian Church, 214 Mountain Ave. S.W.

Other programs will be: July 7, Johnson Scott and Cynthia Ramsey, South Roanoke United Methodist, 2330 S. Jefferson St.; July 21, Robert Sinclair, also at South Roanoke United Methodist; July 28, Nancy Delaney, Christ Lutheran, 2011 Brandon Ave. S.W.; Aug. 4, Stephanie Kraige, Greene Memorial United Methodist Church, 402 Second St. S.W.; Aug. 11, Ronn Lowe and Roby Barker, Calvary Baptist Church, 608 Campbell Ave. S.W.; Aug. 18, David Fitzgerald, Grandin Court Baptist, 2660 Brambleton Ave. S.W.; and Aug. 25, Robert Chapman, First Presbyterian Church, 2101 S. Jefferson St.

Grace United Methodist Church at 4404 Williamson Road will hold a concert Sunday at 7 p.m.

Bob Gay, a writer and Christian music arranger, and Judy Bollinger, a songwriter, will perform.

Melrose Avenue Seventh Day Adventist Church at 1601 Melrose Ave. will hold a concert Saturday at 6p.m.

Shirley Word-Burden, the Rev. Robert Matthews, Praise and Consecration: The New Direction Gospel Singers and the Second Missionary Baptist Choir from Cleveland, Ohio, will perform.

New Life Family Bookstore at 3433 Ferncliff Ave. N.W. will hold a concert Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The New Direction Gospel Singers will perform.

Mary Campagna-Hamlin and Evelyn Davis Bethel will also be signing copies of the book ``Gainsboro: The Destruction of a Historic Community'' and answering questions about Gainsboro and the proposed Henry Street commercial district.

Unity of Roanoke Valley will hold a concert in its sanctuary at 3300 Green Ridge Road on Sunday, 7-8 p.m. Pete Murphy and Friends will perform.

Maple Street Baptist Church will sponsor a concert Sunday at 6 p.m. by the recording group Spiritual Kings of Harmony. |OUTREACH| Bonsack United Methodist Church is sending a team of five adults to Hayesville, N.C., on June 30 for a week of volunteer work repairing homes for the rural poor. They will work with the Hinton Rural Life Center, a mission agency of the denomination for the Appalachians. |SPECIAL EVENTS| Grace Church , an evangelical Christian congregation at 2731 Edgewood St. S.W., will observe its 45th anniversary June 22 and 23. A homecoming picnic is scheduled as the opening Saturday event at 5 p.m. in Moyer Park in Salem. Potluck food will be brought by church members for former members and other guests. Reflections fellowship will begin at 9:15 a.m. the following day with morning worship at 10:45. The Rev. Craig Combs is the pastor.

Oakland Baptist Church at 3623 Round Hill Ave. N.W. has set Aug. 11 for its 70th anniversary homecoming. Events will begin at 9:30 a.m., with worship at 10:45, buffet lunch at 12:30 p.m. and special music at 2 p.m. Reservations for the meal are needed by July 7; call 366-5861.

St. Mark's Episcopal Congregation at Fincastle will replace the usual services June 30 and Aug. 25 with ones at Emmanuel Church at Eagle Rock. The 11 a.m. worship is followed by a picnic. Emmanuel was closed for regular worship about 30 years ago, and its members now come to church in Fincastle.

The Senior Choir of Jerusalem Baptist Church will celebrate its 95th anniversary Sunday at 4 p.m. at the church. Guests for the service will be the Rev. Antonio Thomas of the Spirit of Life Full Gospel Baptist Church and his choir and congregation.

Crystal Spring Baptist Church at 2411 Rosalind Ave. S.W. will conduct their Vacation Bible School from Sunday through June 28, 6:30-8:30 each night. For more information, call the church office at 343-4204.

Maple Street Baptist Church at 902 Fairfax Ave. N.W. will celebrate the 66th anniversary of its Senior Usher Board on Sunday at 4 p.m. Guests at the event include the Rev. Dwight O. Steele and the mass choir of Pilgrim Baptist Church.

Maple Street Baptist will also sponsor a Food Feast in the church parking lot beginning at noon Sunday.

Edgewood Christian Church at 1006 Peck St. N.W. will conduct its Vacation Bible School from Monday through June 28. For more information, call 986-0414.

Unity of Roanoke Valley has two workshops coming up:

The first will be ``Dreams and Dreaming: A Journey into Yourself'' taught by Wes Wyatt, July 17 to Aug. 21, 7-9 p.m. The series of six classes costs $50.

The second will be ``Healing'' presented by James C. and Joan Ruth Windsor, Aug. 3, 8:30 a.m. to 5:50 p.m. The suggested offering for the event is $10 for half of the workshop or $15 for the entire day.

For more information, call 562-2200.

Send information to Frances Stebbins, Neighbors, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke 24010-2491 by noon Thursday. Please include a daytime telephone number.

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