Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Saturday, June 22, 1996                TAG: 9606240008


IN RESPONSE to Susan C. Gardner's June 5 letter to the editor, ``Bedford County school-construction fund is a `mess':

I wish I could tell you that I sleep better knowing that the Gardners and their "advocacy" group, Citizens Who Care, truly have only the best interests of Bedford County schoolchildren at heart, and are trying to be a part of a constructive dialogue aimed at improving our school system.

However, I don't sleep at all well for wondering why more people don't see that the only thing this group and the Gardners in particular advocate is the removal of the best school superintendent our school system has ever had.

My family has been in Bedford County for more than five generations. I went from a student to a very active, involved and informed parent. I have worked as a Parent-Teacher Association member and school volunteer. At times, I have been employed as a teacher's aide, and I remain actively involved with the school system.

I know beyond a doubt the our school system has made steady progress, and I also know that a great deal of the credit must go to Dr. John Kent. His forthright manner, vision and his no-excuses approach to educating our children have been a breath of fresh air in this school system. He is indeed a tough man to work for. He expects the best, and no detail is too small for his attention. We don't always agree, but I know he has worked long and hard for our children.

The fact that many parents can tell you more details about snow-closing mishaps and rumors than about their child's current curriculum says much about how easy it is for some people to spread dissension and dissatisfaction for their own purposes.

For almost two years, the Gardners and their politically active group have chosen not to work within or with the school system. Instead, they have chosen to use the media and public meetings to spread "information from anonymous sources" (too often gossip and rumor), distortions and out-of-context ``facts'' to publicly harass and embarrass Dr. Kent. Anyone who prefers public commentary and blindsides to genuine efforts to open dialogue for effective change has an agenda that is long on revenge and short on advocacy.

This group, led by the Gardners, seems more interested in bullying the School Board and "exposing" Dr. Kent as some sort of scoundrel than in helping to improve our school system. (Remember how hard they worked to seat their candidates on the School Board?) When a ``fact'' they have ``exposed'' is disproved, they simply move on to the next quarrel.

This latest quarrel has proved what anyone who has paid any attention already knew. The construction funds have been used for construction projects other than the ones for which they were originally earmarked. If a roof is leaking or a drain field suddenly must be added, it cannot wait for the next bond referendum. And heaven help anyone going to members of the Board of Supervisors (some of whom, like my own district's representative, enjoy grandstanding) for emergency funds.

I am grateful that it is left up to the School Board to decide where to direct the school-construction funds - not the Board of Supervisors and, thankfully, not groups like the Gardners'.

Although I am sure that if the oh-so-motivated Gardners have a clue as to how to get ahead of this construction train, which was way behind and driving erratically before Dr. Kent or the most recent School Board members they so vehemently criticize were even on board, I know this School Board would be interested in hearing from them.

The population continues to grow very fast and the infrastructure of our schools continues to age, both of which require new construction and repairs. I wish our School Board had the foresight to know what would be coming up where. I don't like playing catch-up either. But the "blame" is being put on the wrong shoulders.

I have enough of Patrick Henry in me to believe that the Gardners are entitled to express their opinions, no matter how vehemently I disagree with their message or their methods. I urge anyone inclined to believe what they present as beyond reproach to research the facts and talk to someone less biased and vindictive.

Sandi Saunders of Hardy is a reservation clerk for the Virginia Dare Cruise Boat at Smith Mountain Lake.

LENGTH: Medium:   78 lines

by CNB