Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Monday, July 1, 1996                   TAG: 9607010138
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-3  EDITION: METRO 


Racing at Franklin County Speedway is starting to resemble television in the summer - a re-run of past performances.

Collinsville's Jimmy Mullins continued his domination of the track, starting on the pole and leading every lap to win the Professional Securities 300 Late Model Stock race on Saturday night.

It was the second consecutive win for Mullins, who added to his lead in the point standings over Dudley Lawhorne.

Lawhorne, who was second in points going into the race, finished 13th after suffering engine troubles.

``I knew something was wrong with the car so I went ahead and pitted before I did anymore damage,'' Lawhorne said. ``I wanted to make sure I had a car to bring back here.''

Bobby Radford of Ferrum, who struggled early in the season but has come on strong since, came in second right on Collins' bumper. Daleville's Orvil Reedy finished third and Kenny Wagner was fourth.

In other racing action at the speedway:

Mike Dudley's biggest battle came from the lap traffic ahead of him as he rolled to an easy win in the Limited Sportsman division.

Wayne Corprew, who, like Dudley, is from Roanoke, challenged Dudley for a few laps early but wound up way behind in second. Leon Dalton, Skip Bennington and Doug McBride rounded out the top five.

Two disqualifications left Jay Peery the winner of the 25-lap Pure Stock race.

Mike Looney took the checkered flag and Tom Dooley came across in second, but both were disqualified because their cars were set at an improper height.

Kevin Ransome was given second place while Kelly Kingery finished third. Phil VanderVeer and Mike Mays completed the top five.

Gary Joyce survived an early six-car crash to win his fourth Mini Stock race of the season.

Ricky Hall, in his first race of the season, led early, but blew a motor that spilled oil all over the track. The next five cars were sent spinning because of the oil. Butch Nolen came out the leader, but Joyce, who was part of the accident, came through the field to get the win.

Bobby Hurt was second and Dennis Sloan finished third.

James Carr won his third Rookie race of the season, defeating Scott Foley, who was second, and Bob Cregger, who came in third. Steve Lam won the Classic Sportsman race and Bedford's Tommy Hall won his first AnyCar race.

LENGTH: Medium:   56 lines

by CNB