Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Friday, July 19, 1996                  TAG: 9607190006
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1    EDITION: METRO 
COLUMN: the tipoff


WHO'S ON THIRD: This month's first Friday fell on the weekend of the Fourth, so the usual bash was postponed to the second Friday on the 12th. Unfortunately, that got rained out. If three is indeed a charm, First Fridays at Five will be held 5-8 tonight at First Union Plaza in downtown Roanoke. Yams from Outer Space will make the music; food and drink will be sold. Admission will cost $2, and you must be 21 or older to attend. If it rains, the first Friday may have to be held on the last. Call 983-8090.

PARTY ANIMALS: Tonight's ``ZOODO'' at 6:30 at Mill Mountain Zoo, Roanoke, is the zoo's big food tasting and party benefit. Key West will make the music. Tickets cost $40 per person, $70 per couple; $35 and $60 in advance. There's still time to call for reservations, 343-3241.

ART START: The 17th annual Roanoke City Art Show opens at 5:30 tonight with a reception and awards ceremony in the first-floor gallery of the Art Museum of Western Virginia. Forty-one Blue Ridge region artists will be represented in the show, which will remain on display at the museum through Sept. 29. The public is invited to cast a vote for the People's Choice Award, which will give the winning artist an extra $100 prize at the show's close. Call 342-5790.

TWAIN EXPLAINS: In a special adaptation by The Blue Ridge Dinner Theatre cast, Mark Twain is a character who tells how his novel "Huckleberry Finn" came to be and why it took nine years to complete. This season's children's play, designed to appeal to both children and adults, includes a number of original songs. Reduced rates of $5.50 for adults and $2.25 for children under 14 are being offered for shows tonight, Sunday and July 26 at Ferrum College. Call 365-4335.

SHOW SAMPLER: The Barter Theatre's Festival of Shows, which continues tonight-Sept. 1 at the Barter Theatre in Abingdon, will present a series of four alternating shows throughout the summer including ``Doctors & Diseases,'' a musical by Peter Ekstrom (Barter Stage II); ``Girl of My Dreams,'' a world premiere musical comedy by Peter Ekstrom (Barter Main Stage); ``The Baby Dance,'' a drama by Jane Anderson (Barter Stage II); ``The Moving of Lilla Barton,'' a comedy by John MacNicholas (Barter Main Stage). For schedule and prices, call 628-3991 or (800) 368-3240.

OPERA ASPIRANTS: The Virginia Tech Opera Workshop production of ``Keepers of the Night - A Fantasy of the Sea'' will be presented tonight and Saturday in the Studio Theatre, Squires Student Center, Virginia Tech. The opera is by Jon Polifrone; libretto by Craig Fields. Call 231-5200 or 231-5921.

ENVIRONMENTAL MUSIC: Relative Viewpoint, an environmental, contemporary, folk, rock and acoustic trio from South Florida, will appear in a fund-raising concert for Plowshares Peace & Justice Center on Sunday. Local musician Bo Chagnon - noted for wide-ranging vocals, whistling and his ability to impersonate a trombone - will be the opening act starting at 6:30 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church, Roanoke. Tickets cost $10. A reception will follow. Call 342-8888.

LYNCHBURG LOOKS BACK: The "Elliott R. Twery Retrospective: Forty Years In Lynchburg" will celebrate the work of one of Lynchburg's most accomplished and prolific artists with an exhibit running through Aug. 25. Twery was professor of art at Randolph-Macon Woman's College from 1956 until his retirement in 1988. He now concentrates on painting in his studio-home just outside of Lynchburg. A special opening reception will be held Sunday from 2:30-4:30 p.m. at the Lynchburg Fine Arts Center. Call (804) 846-8451.

HOW SWEET IT IS: The Roanoke Valley Chorus of Sweet Adelines will perform its distinctive brand of barbershop-style singing for the Courthouse Concert Series at 7:30 p.m. Thursday on the courthouse lawn, New Castle. Bring chairs or blankets and picnic suppers. Call 864-7083.

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by CNB