Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Tuesday, July 23, 1996                 TAG: 9607230044


Microsoft to introduce redesigned mouse

REDMOND, Wash. - Microsoft Corp. said Monday it is designing a new mouse, with a wheel placed between the two buttons of the computer pointing device.

The wheel will allow computer users to scroll through documents with a twitch of the finger, rather than having to move the pointer to an icon and clicking.

The IntelliMouse is due to go on sale in November for $84.95, Rick Thompson, vice president of the hardware group at Microsoft, said Monday.

It's designed to take advantage of new features in upcoming versions of Microsoft office productivity and Internet browsing software, he said. |- Associated Press

Coal production

on the rise

CHARLESTON, W.Va. - Domestic coal production rose 18 percent to 16 million tons during the week ended July 13, from 13.6 million tons the week before, the U.S. Department of Energy said Monday.

The U.S. coal industry produced 19.2 million tons in the same week last year, according to the department's Energy Information Administration.

Virginia mines produced 563,000 tons during the survey week, up from 451,000 tons the prior week but down from 628,000 tons in the corresponding week a year earlier.

Domestic coal production so far this year is 538 million tons, about 2 percent behind last year's production at this time.

The week's production accounts for bituminous and lignite coal. The week ending July 13 was the latest available. |- Associated Press

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