Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, August 1, 1996               TAG: 9608010086
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 3    EDITION: METRO  
      Published correction ran on Aug. 3
         The one-woman show ``Stand-Up Opera,'' presented by Opera Roanoke, 
      will be performed Jan. 18. The date was listed incorrectly in Thursday's
      Extra section.


Mythology, human tragedy and hilarity will highlight Opera Roanoke's upcoming 20th anniversary season.

``L'Orfeo,'' Monteverdi's look into the Underworld the mythological Orpheus challenged, will be performed in Italian with English supertitles Sept. 21, 23, 25 and 27 at Roanoke's Mill Mountain Theatre.

Verdi's classic opera ``La Traviata'' combines a tale of tragedy with magnificent melodies. Performances will take place in Roanoke College's Olin Hall on June 14, 16, 18 and 20.

B.J. Ward's critically acclaimed one-woman show, ``Stand-Up Opera,'' demystifies and spoofs the opera world. It will be performed Jan. 28 in Fitzpatrick Hall, The Jefferson Center, Roanoke.

``Stand-Up Opera'' will be performed during Opera Cabaret, an evening of food, fun and libations benefitting Opera Roanoke, to be held Jan. 17.

In addition, a new series of vocal recitals, ``Sundays in the Atrium,'' will feature Opera Roanoke artists performing in the intimacy of The Jefferson Center's Fralin Atrium. Series dates are Aug. 25, Dec. 8, March 16 and May 11. Tickets are $25 for the series, $8 per concert.

``Director's Notes,'' presented by General/Artistic Director Craig Fields, will give audiences a preview of each opera prior to its performance. Interesting asides on the composers, story and production are included.

``What's Opera Doc?'' is a light-hearted look at the opera world from a layman's perspective, an Opera 101 for those who want to learn what all the singing is about.

``What's Opera Doc?'' will be held Oct. 15, 22, 29 and Nov. 12 in the first floor Training Center, The Jefferson Center.

``Director's Notes'' and ``What's Opera Doc?'' are free and open to the public.

Opera Roanoke's special events will include a L'Orfeo Opening Night Gala on Sept. 21 with a pre-curtain dinner at Alexander's restaurant, a short walk from Mill Mountain Theatre.

For more information and season tickets, call 982-2742.

LENGTH: Short :   50 lines

by CNB