Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Friday, August 2, 1996                 TAG: 9608020028
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B5   EDITION: METRO 


What do beauty pageants and tennis have in common?

The answer is Gail Smart, a former Miss Virginia who's now an official with the United States Tennis Association.

Smart, a former Pulaski resident, won the pageant in 1973. She didn't start playing tennis until 10 years ago.

After a few years, Smart decided that as captain of her club tennis team, she wanted to know the rules better. So two years ago she trained to become a linesman and chair person (umpire). An avid learner, she now works all kinds of tournaments.

USTA officials travel the circuit just like the players who are participating in the Women's Challenger tournament this week at Hunting Hills Country Club. Officials come from Chicago, Florida, Israrel and Hungary as well as the Middle Atlantic region.

Smart, who lives in Richmond, has the blessings of her sons - 12-year-old Taylor and 10-year-old Scott - and husband John, who sells mutual retirement funds.

``My husband is very supportive and very proud of me. As long as I can orchestrate getting the boys taken care of and to their thing, it works out,'' said Smart. ``My husband is a golfer who plays some tennis. My boys play every sport under the sun.

``I make sure my boys have some great places to stay with friends. When I'm on the road, wonderful people like the ones here open their doors and homes. Sometimes the tournament will pay for a hotel or I'll pay for a hotel when there aren't homes.''

Smart officiates at a variety of tournaments including state play for the Virginia High School League and college meets. She's already scheduled to do an invitational for Virginia Tech when the Hokies play host to seven teams this September.

Smart frequently visits the area. A native of Knoxville, Tenn., she moved to the Pulaski area and, in the summer of 1973, participated in the Miss Virginia pageant at the Roanoke Civic Center.

``I don't say anything [about the pageant]. But it gets out. I enjoy walking around and telling my story again. The Miss Virginia pageant was very special to me,'' said Smart.

As a pageant participant, Smart was Gail Vandeventer. Her victory gave her the right to represent the state at the Miss America Pageant.

``We bring the boys to Roanoke every Christmas to the Holiday Inn across the street from the [Roanoke] civic center to meet my folks. They live in Johnson City, Tenn., and this is half way. We come back because it was a wonderful time and we have special memories,'' said Smart.

``I had a blast at the Miss America pageant even though I wasn't one of the top 10. I was a very happy participant. I got a lot of scholarship funds that put me through my final two years at James Madison and graduate work at Radford.''

In Richmond, Smart does volunteer work, including the inter-city food program that helps to feed homeless and hungry people.

Like the players, Smart's aim is to make it to the top. Money is not her main objective.

``I really do it for the love of the sport and to meet some great people.''

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