Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, August 4, 1996                 TAG: 9608050094



Nuclear waste

The Senate on Wednesday approved the construction of a nuclear waste storage site near Las Vegas. Supporters of the measure, which passed 63-37, said the facility was desperately needed to store some 60,000 tons of spent nuclear fuel. President Clinton and opponents in the Senate argued that waste can be safely stored at reactor sites, and that shipping waste by truck and train across the country poses a potential risk to civilians. A ``yes'' vote favors the measure.

Charles Robb, Democrat Y

John Warner, Republican Y

Welfare 1

The Senate on Thursday approved a bill, 78-21, to overhaul the nation's welfare system by ending guaranteed benefits to the poor and turning welfare programs over to the states. The bill also would limit aid to five years and require recipients to work within two years. Supporters said the bill would help the poor find jobs and become self-sufficient. Opponents said it would not provide adequate protection to legal immigrants and the children of welfare recipients. President Clinton says he will sign the bill into law. A ``yes'' vote favors the bill.

Robb Y

Warner Y


Welfare 2

The House on Wednesday passed a bill, 328-101, to revamp the nation's welfare system by giving states control over assistance programs. The bill would limit benefits to five years, end aid to noncitizens and reduce spending by $60 billion over six years. Recipients would be required to work within two years. Supporters said the current system entraps people in poverty. Opponents said the bill is too harsh on children. President Clinton says he will sign the bill into law. A ``yes'' vote favors the bill.

Rick Boucher (D-Abingdon) Y

Bob Goodlatte (R-Roanoke) Y

L.F. Payne (D-Nelson County) Y

Votes of Western Virginia representatives on major legislation last week. A ``Y''means the member voted for the measure; an ``N'' means the member voted against the measure.

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