Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Friday, August 9, 1996                 TAG: 9608090029
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-6  EDITION: METRO 


Australian big man Craig McAndrew will be eligible to play basketball for Virginia by Christmas, according to information the Cavaliers have received from the NCAA.

McAndrew must sit out six to eight games as a result of his affiliation with an Australian semipro team, but otherwise will have four seasons of eligibility.

``It's official,'' UVa coach Jeff Jones said Thursday, ``but there are some details we won't know until we receive written notification.''

McAndrew, a 6-foot-9, 240-pounder from Queensland, signed with Virginia on the final day of the NCAA's spring period. His eligibility has been in question because he appeared in three games for the Perth Wildcats, an Australian team that has professional players.

McAndrew was not paid a salary, although he did receive expenses.

``Our compliance director had indicated Craig would be eligible for four years,'' Jones said. ``The ruling was consistent with other cases with similar documentation.''

Jones said he was told McAndrew could not play in 25 percent of Virginia's games during his first season.

The limit is 27 games for Division I teams, or 26 regular-season games and at least one tournament game for teams such as Virginia that play in a conference tournament.

``He's allowed to play in exhibition games, but what about the exempt games? Do they count?'' asked Jones, referring to three games in the season-opening Maui Invitational. ``And, do you round up or round down? I'm thinking he'll miss'' six to eight games.

Jones said there never was any doubt McAndrew, 19, would enroll at Virginia, even if he could not play this season.

``His intention was to come to the United States, play as long as he was deemed eligible and get his degree,'' Jones said. ``He promised his mother when he made his decision [to go to college] that he would get his degree.''

McAndrew's absence for the early part of the schedule would leave the Cavaliers with four players for two post positions - 1995-96 starter Norman Nolan, walk-on Martin Walton and recruits Kris Hunter and Colin Ducharme.

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