Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Saturday, August 10, 1996              TAG: 9608120012


Spiritual growth retreat

A program for ongoing spiritual growth, Pilgrims on the Way, will begin with an overnight retreat Sept. 20-21. The ecumenical Christian event will be at the Phoebe Needles Retreat Center in Franklin County. Cost is $50. Following the retreat, which will begin at 6 p.m. and end the following day at 4 p.m., participants will decide whether they wish to continue with a series of overnight and half-day gatherings at the center. Small group study will include Prayer and Silence, Worship and Study, Group Life and Growth in Self-Knowledge, The Arts and Movement, and Personal Disciplines and Ministry.

Call 483-3381 for registration information. The center is at 732 Turners Creek Road, south of Callaway.

Funds for world hunger

2 Cents A Meal, a Presbyterian program that has raised money to relieve world hunger for the past 12 years, has secured more than $1 million in Shenandoah Presbytery, which includes the Rockbridge and Augusta areas. With 4 cents per meal now requested, the ongoing campaign has provided funds for food banks and several emergency shelters in the Shenandoah Valley. Nearly half of what is raised goes to South Africa. An additional amount of 18 percent has gone to several low-income areas in the United States. Two public policy groups, Bread for the World and the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy, received 10 percent of the money. Presbytery of the Peaks, which covers other congregations of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in Western Virginia, has a similar hunger ministry.

Bike ride for Habitat

The Rev. Karin Howard Lindsay, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Rocky Mount, will be among several Virginians who will leave Aug. 23 from Lynchburg for a 473-mile bicycle ride to Atlanta. The ride, for which pledges are being taken by the Lynchburg Habitat for Humanity unit, is part of a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the interfaith program in which volunteers build low-cost houses for the working poor.

Brethren auction, sale

World Hunger relief events sponsored annually by Antioch Church of the Brethren in Franklin County and supported by many other congregations are climaxed today with an auction and sale beginning at 9:30 a.m. at 2996 Callaway Road. Two other recent activities, the World Hunger Walk and the World Hunger Bike Ride, raised respectively $3,700 and $4,800. More than 125 people took part in these events.

Ukranian athletes

A Ukranian tae kwon do team, which has won medals in the Korean self-defense system, will present several programs in the Galax area Aug. 17 and 18. Sponsored by the New River Association of Southern Baptists, the team is led by Ion Cheptone. It will be at Joy Ranch Home for Children on Aug. 17 at 7 p.m. The following day the team will visit First Baptist Church in Hillsville at 8:30 a.m. and the new Hispanic Christian Center, 117 Grayson St. in Galax, at 6 p.m. Call 236-8306 for more information.

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