Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Saturday, August 10, 1996              TAG: 9608120114
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-5  EDITION: METRO 
                                             TYPE: IN THE REGION


The Roanoke Valley Sports Club will begin its new year of programs on Aug. 28 at the Salem Civic Center, with an NBA backcourt duo of former Virginia Tech stars Dell Curry and Bimbo Coles as speakers for the 5:45 p.m. meeting and dinner.

Details on reservations are to be announced.

The club also has announced its speakers for September and October meetings. Virginia Commonwealth basketball coach Sonny Smith, known for his comic relief as well as his well-traveled career on the sidelines, will appear in September. NASCAR driver Rick Mast of Rockbridge Baths will speak on a later October program.

Sites and dates of those meetings are still to be determined.

* The Virginia Tech men's basketball team embarks today on a 13-day tour of Europe. The trip will include seven games against teams from Italy, Switzerland and France.

The games begin Tuesday, with the Hokies taking on Verese in Milan, Italy.

``We knew we were going to be losing four seniors this year, so we planned this trip to give our young players some competition,'' said Bill Foster, Tech's coach. ``It's a chance for us to have a miniseason in August.''

Players making the trip are Shawn Browne, Ace Custis, Myron Guillory, Jim Jackson, David Jackson, Kelly Mann, Troy Manns, Keefe Matthews, Andre Ray and Alvaro Tor.

Here is the Hokies' European game schedule:

Tuesday, Verese, Milan, Italy; Wednesday, Lugano, Switzerland; Aug.16, tournament in Nice, France; Aug.17 tournament in Nice, France; Aug.18, Lyon, France; Aug.20, Strasbourg, France; Aug.21, Eureauz, Paris.

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by CNB