Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, August 11, 1996                TAG: 9608120066


Here are the votes of senators and representatives on key bills and amendments last week. There will be no vote chart for the remainder of August because Congress is on recess. A ``Y'' means the member voted for the measure; an ``N'' means the member voted against the measure.



The Senate unanimously passed, 98-0, the Safe Drinking Water Act. The bill aims to improve federal standards for tap water by providing $1billion in loans to the states for water quality improvement.

Charles Robb, Democrat Y

John Warner, Republican Y

Health 1

The Senate unanimously passed, 98-0, legislation to make health insurance available to people who switch jobs or suffer from pre-existing medical conditions. The bill would also ensure coverage for people who lose their jobs.

Robb Y

Warner Y



The House passed, 259-169, a bill to make English the official government language of the United States. The bill would stop publication of government documents in languages other than English except in cases involving international relations, health issues and judicial proceedings. Supporters of the bill said English is a central component of Americans' identity, and a strong command of the language is crucial to assuring success. Opponents called the bill divisive, and called supporters who voted to cut funding for English as a second language programs hypocritical.

Rick Boucher (D-Abingdon) N

Bob Goodlatte (R-Roanoke) Y

L.F. Payne (D-Nelson County) Y

Health 2

The House passed, 421-2, legislation to make health insurance available to people who switch jobs or suffer from pre-existing medical conditions. The bill would also ensure coverage for people who lose their jobs.

Boucher Y

Goodlatte Y

Payne Y


The House approved, 389-22, an anti-terrorism bill that calls for tighter airport security measures. Supporters said the legislation would provide airports with the tools to counter terrorist threats. Opponents said the measure did not go far enough, arguing that it also should have provided the FBI with greater wiretapping powers.

Boucher Y

Goodlatte Y

Payne Y

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