Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, August 22, 1996              TAG: 9608230035


Two projects designed to improve water service have taken another step ahead in Vinton.

On the recommendation of Town Manager Clay Goodman, council members on Tuesday gave final approval to replacement of a water tank and installation of water lines. The work, in two separate projects, will be in the Chestnut Mountain area in northeast.

Council's action was to award contracts to two Roanoke contractors - Crom Corp. and E.C. Pace Co.

The contract to Crom, in the amount of $282,400, will be for construction of a 1 million-gallon concrete tank, along with installation of 2,500 feet of 8-inch water line and three pressure-reducing valves along Camney Lane.

The contract to Pace will be for preparation of the new tank site on Third Avenue to replace a tank on Virginia Avenue.

Council previously approved other phases of the work. That included installation of 3,000 feet of water line, engineering services, fencing and landscaping.

Total estimated cost of the project is about $622,000, according to Goodman's report to council.

A left turn from Hardy Road onto Bedford Road in Vinton may be allowed to continue if Town Council has its way.

Council adopted a resolution earlier this month asking the Virginia Department of Transportation to include a fifth lane for eastbound traffic to make that turn.

What prompted the request from Town Council was that First Citizens Bank & Trust was planning to build a branch across from Lake Drive Plaza, but officials balked when they learned that elimination of the left turn from Hardy onto Bedford was included in a $3 million road widening project planned by VDOT for 1998.

Should coin boxes for the sale of newspapers be allowed on public sidewalks?

They should not, in the opinion of James Brammer, a sight-impaired retired businessman.

He complained to Town Council that he constantly walks into four newspaper dispenser boxes placed in front of the post office on Pollard Street.

Brammer said he has filed numerous complaints with the town, the newspapers and the office of Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Roanoke, with no results.

Mayor Charles Hill said he would see whether the boxes could be put somewhere else.

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