Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Tuesday, August 27, 1996               TAG: 9608270076


Agency faces charge of lax safeguards WASHINGTON - Government regulators have proposed a $2,500 fine against the National Institutes of Health for failing to safeguard radioactive materials used in research.

Small amounts of radioactive materials were kept inside unlocked refrigerators and laboratories last year with no one present to control access - a violation of regulations, officials of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said.

``It is a significant regulatory concern that NRC inspectors repeatedly have been able to gain access to licensed materials at your facility without challenge, because it indicates that members of the public may do so as well,'' NRC Regional Administrator Hubert J. Miller wrote in a letter to the National Institutes of Health on Friday.

For about a year the commission has been investigating security at the institutes, including the sickness of a pregnant scientist and 26 co-workers who swallowed food and water contaminated with a radioactive isotope at a research facility in Bethesda, Md., last year.

The fine does not address the contamination incident, and that investigation continues.

- Associated Press

Karpov takes on the world and wins

HELSINKI, Finland - All the on-line chess brains in the world couldn't beat Russian world champion Anatoly Karpov on Monday in the first open chess game on the Internet.

For 65 moves over 4 1/2 hours, it was genius playing black and consensus playing white. White moves came from suggestions sent in over the Internet, with the most frequently proposed move chosen by a computer.

The game started at 7 a.m., when Internet users had seven minutes to propose an opening. Of the 52 submissions, the king's pawn (e2-e4) was the most common. Karpov countered in two seconds with the Caro-Kann (c7-c6).an immediatea checkmate threat.

``By a vast majority, the World decided to resign the game,'' said the Internet's ``Karpov Against the World'' page.

The Internet address for the game is: http://www.tele. fi/karpov.

- Associated Press

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