Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, September 5, 1996            TAG: 9609050106


Botetourt offers courses for adults

The Botetourt County School System is offering a wide variety of courses this fall through its adult continuing-education division.

Evening classes will begin next week at Lord Botetourt and James River high schools and Botetourt Technical Education Center. Classes will also be offered over the new Botetourt County Schools Interactive Television Network in cooperation with Dabney S. Lancaster Community College.

For more information or to register, call 473-8263.

Reduce stress in 6 weeks

Stress-reduction classes will be held this fall at the Lewis-Gale Medical Foundation, Salem. This six-week program meets on Wednesdays, 6:30-8 p.m. beginning Sep. 18 and costs $40. Call Medline at 776-4863 to register or for more information, call Jackson Metcalf at 265-0056.

Women's center offers classes

A variety of classes and workshops are being offered this fall by the Women's Center at Hollins College. Classes include: creative wall and furniture finishes, dealing with downsizing, starting your own business, getting published, computers, writing, ballroom dancing, Tai Chi, yoga, self-defense and aerobics.

Registration deadline is Monday, Sept. 9. For more information or to register, call 362-6269.

Hospice needs daytime volunteers

Good Samaritan Hospice needs volunteers who are available during the day, two to four hours per week.

A primary volunteer duty is to sit with patients while family members run errands or take some needed time off.

The next training program begins Sept. 17. For more information, call Katye Bane at 776-0198.

Golf tournament assists scholars

The Education Foundation of the Roanoke County Schools is sponsoring its second annual golf tournament, at Hunting Hills Golf Club on Sept. 30.

Registration deadline is the Sept. 18. Tournament proceeds fund scholarships. For registration and other information, call 562-3797.

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