Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Friday, September 6, 1996              TAG: 9609060007
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1    EDITION: METRO 
COLUMN: friday something 


Never play dominoes in a cow barn.

And sing to your bull when you walk behind him (hopefully, while watching where you step).

These long-forgotten laws of bovine/homo sapien interaction are still on the books in Nova Scotia. Other Canadian canons:

It's illegal in Orangeville, Ontario, to work around cattle while wearing socks with holes in the toes. Darn it!

In Cottonwood, British Columbia, no cattleman can legally leave his new bride on his wedding day to go fishing.

It's against the law in Bladworth, Saskatchewan, for a farmer to frown at any of his cows.

In Alonsa, Manitoba, no farmer or his immediate family can attend a livestock auction within four hours after eating garlic.

``No female wearing a nightgown in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, can be seen feeding cattle.'' Literally, that means if you want to be invisible while giving Bossy breakfast, pick up a little outfit from Victoria's Secret first. |-Source: `The Old Farmer's 1997 Almanac'

LENGTH: Short :   34 lines

by CNB