Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, September 8, 1996              TAG: 9609100100
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 9    EDITION: METRO 


Greenway birth

Nicholas Gregory Greenway is proud to announce the bir th of his baby sister, Taylor Nichole Greenway. She was born July 31 at 3:33 a.m. at Community Hospital. Taylor weighed 7 lbs. and 15 oz. and was 213/4 inches long. Her parents are Greg and Brenda Greenway. Taylor's grandparents are Glenn and Debbie Divers and Arthur and Helen Greenway. A very special thanks to Dr. Lee McLennan and Acina Greene in L/D. Above all, we realize there is no greater gift from God than our children. We love you Nicholas and Taylor

Jones birth

Ron and Tami Jones joyfully announce the arrival of Miss Emily Elizabeth Jones. She was born August 16, 1996 at CHRV weighing 5 lbs.15 1/2 ozs. and was 18 1/2 inches long. Emily has a sister Kimberly, age 16, and a brother Christopher Derek, age 12. We would like to thank Dr. Donna Musgrave for her excellent care, The Physicians to Women staff, Dr. McDonald, Christine Young R.N., Becky Creasy R.N., Ascina Green R.N., Johanna Lambert R.N., and Michele Dillon R.N

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by CNB