Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Monday, September 9, 1996              TAG: 9609090164



"The race between Mr. Warner and Mr. Warner is going to be so interesting, because both of these people are, I think most people would say, fairly good, clean, decent, trustworthy people. I think it's going to come down to why are these people running? What do they think they can contribute?"

Craig Fifer


Negative campaigning: in eye of beholder

After denouncing his Republican opponent this spring, U.S. Sen. John Warner now is seeking the high road.

Last week, Warner asked Democratic challenger Mark Warner to join him in pledging to refrain from negative attacks.

This is the same John Warner who earlier this year ran TV commercials accusing Jim Miller, his primary opponent, of being a draft-dodging, taxpayer-money-wasting budget-buster.

Mark Warner dismissed the positive pledge as a stunt, saying he would not engage in personal attacks.

But the Democrat said John Warner's record is fair game, particularly votes he says show the 18-year incumbent has grown increasingly conservative and out of touch with mainstream Virginians.

John Warner issued the "positive" campaign challenge a week after Mark Warner began airing a TV spot designed to expose what Democrats claim is the "real John Warner."

Some Mark Warner strategists think a more aggressive tack against John Warner is the only way the Democratic challenger can overcome an incumbent who consistently ranks in polls as one of the state's most popular political figures.

Yankee go home?

Mark Warner is demanding an apology from John Warner for referring to him as a "Connecticut Yankee" in public appearances.

The Democrat is also rankled by a personal letter he received from the incumbent jabbing the challenger for being born out of state.

John Warner refuses to apologize.

"What's so insulting about being raised in Connecticut?" asked Eric Peterson, the senator's campaign press secretary, who grew up in Wyoming.

The flap began last week when the incumbent wrote a letter to the challenger asking him to sign a positive campaign pledge. John Warner began the letter by noting that his opponent had traveled the state this summer "to learn more about it."

"Having come from Connecticut to join us in Virginia, your trip surely gave us an appreciation of our values and time-honored traditions," John Warner wrote.

"He uses Connecticut as if it were a slur," said Mark Warner, who was raised in Hartford and has lived in Virginia about 10 years.

Quotes of the week

"This is called running for the job."

- A perspiring Mark Warner, while jogging two miles down Magnolia Avenue during Buena Vista Labor Day Parade

"That's the first time I've had one jump in the truck like that. I think he wants me to vote for him; I might."

- Steve Brown, a 43-year-old plumber from Lexington, commenting after Mark Warner hopped onto the back of his pickup

"He's trying to run off some nervous energy, I guess."

- John Warner, cool and relaxed after the parade

"He is afraid Virginians will look at his record, because the record reveals a different John Warner - one that talks like Mr. Independent but votes like Mr. Gingrich."

- Mark Warner, speaking to Democrats before Buena Vista parade

"Folks, while he was making his millions, I was answering one-half million pleas from Virginians for help."

- John Warner, himself a millionaire, in speech to Buena Vista Republicans

Public appearances

All events are tentative. Please contact the campaigns to confirm locations and times.


Mark Warner holds press conference on "distance learning" education. Time TBA. Virginia Western Community College, Roanoke.


Mark Warner holds press conference on Head Start. Time/location TBA. Roanoke.


John Warner attends fund-raiser in Martinsville. No other details available at press time.

How to reach the campaigns

John Warner

Telephone: (703) 549-9696

Web Site:


Mark Warner

Telephone: (800) 637-MARK and (804) 342-1996

Web Site:


How to participate

Election Day is Nov. 5

Deadline for Voter Registration is Oct. 7

LENGTH: Long  :  123 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  (headshot) Fifer 

by CNB