Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Monday, September 9, 1996              TAG: 9609100102
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 3    EDITION: METRO 


Train excursions

Passenger excursions will return to the Buckingham Branch Railroad, headquartered in Dillwyn, on Oct. 12 and 26 and Dec. 7 and 14.

Vintage rail passenger cars from the 1920s and open- air sightseeing cars will be featured, pulled by diesel locomotives from the 1950s.

The December trips will feature a seasonally decorated train and Santa Claus. On Dec. 14, the town of Dillwyn will also hold its annual Christmas celebration.

Trains will depart at 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Oct. 12 and 26 for a 31/2-hour round trip to New Canton. Fares are $16 for adults and $9 for children 2 to 12.

On Dec. 7 and 14, trips will leave at 9:45 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 12:15 p.m., 1:15 p.m. and 2:15 p.m. for a 45-minute ride to Alpha. Fares are $6.

The trips will be sponsored by the Old Dominion Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society as a public education project of its Old Dominion Railway Museum.

Tickets and more information are available at State Farm Insurance, Main Street, Dillwyn or call (800) 451-6318, 7 a.m.-9:30 p.m, Sunday through Thursday.

A call for quilters

Quilters are invited to share in the celebration of culture and tradition at the Blue Ridge Folklife Festival in October at the Blue Ridge Folklife Institute at Ferrum College.

The registration deadline is Oct. 14, but pre-registration is encouraged; space is limited.

Entry forms can be obtained by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to Mountain Comfort Quilts Show VIII, 946 Turners Creek Road, Callaway 24067.

More than $700 in cash awards and gift certificates will be presented.

Volunteers are needed before, after and during the show, as well as merchants willing to donate cash prizes or gift certificates. Call 483-1039.

Art lectures

``Survey of Western Art: Renaissance to Modern,'' will begin Sept. 26 in the Art Museum of Western Virginia's second floor Lecture Hall, 20 E. Church Ave., Roanoke.

Lectures will range from ``The Birth of Humanism and the Early Renaissance'' and ``Art and Culture of Catholic Flanders and Protestand Holland'' to ``School of Paris: Cezanne'' and ``Dada and Surrealism.''

Lecturers include William Whitwell, professor of art history at Hollins College, and Mary Fitzgerald, who has taught art history at Roanoke College and Syracuse and Colgate universities.

The course is open to the public. For more information, call 224-1222.

Benefit tournament

A coed softball tournament to benefit Brittany Carter, a 4-year-old Smyth County girl, will be held Sept. 14-15 at the Recreation Department's Women's Field in Marion, beginning at 10 a.m.

Brittany was born deaf, and proceeds from the tournament will help fund an implant that is hoped will enable her to hear.

The deadline for team registration is Sept. 12.

For more information, call 782-3576 or 783-1814.

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