Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Friday, September 13, 1996             TAG: 9609130198
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1    EDITION: METRO 
COLUMN: Friday Something


If you clap loudly enough at the end of the Kandinsky Trio's performance Saturday night, you'll definitely be rewarded with an encore. In fact, you can plan on it - they already have.

Blame it on hurricane season that the chamber music group will be getting wet and wild.

The group's ``once-a-year wacky encore,'' cellist Alan Weinstein said, will be a medley of ``Wipe Out,'' ``Walk, Don't Run,'' ``Surfer Girl,'' ``Miserlou'' (the theme from "Pulp Fiction") and riffs from the opera ``Carmen'' (famous for the ``Toreador Song'' as in ``Toreador-a, don't spit on the floor. Use a spittoon, that's what it's for.'') and the James Bond theme. All the pieces have a surfer beat. Watch for Weinstein's piano-pounding drum solo on ``Wipe Out'' - he couldn't bear beating on his 200-year-old cello.

An encore at a home performance ``depends on the last piece and the Brahms Horn Trio's last movement really smokes,'' Weinstein said. Imagine.

The performance is at 8 p.m. in Olin Theater, Roanoke College. Tickets are $9. Call 375-2333.

LENGTH: Short :   30 lines

by CNB