Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Saturday, September 14, 1996           TAG: 9609170045


Alta Mons festival

A fall festival featuring apple butter-making, a rummage sale, games for the family, food sale, hayrides, bluegrass and gospel music is scheduled Sept. 28 at Camp Alta Mons, the United Methodist retreat center near Shawsville.

The fellowship event is sponsored by nearby Crockett Springs United Methodist Church.

The camp is on Alleghany Springs Road south of U.S. 460

Call 268-2700 or 774-3132 for more information.

Christian education

A Creative Education Workshop for Christian education staff and volunteers in Western Virginia is open for registration through Friday.

It will be held Sept. 28 at Second Presbyterian Church in downtown Roanoke and will have 11 workshops to train workers with small children through adulthood and for specialized ministries.

Hours are 8:30 a.m. To 3 p.m. Keynote speaker is Delia Halverson, a United Methodist writer of church educational materials.

The $10 fee covers lunch and materials. Call 343-0377 or 389-2933.

Creation vs. evolution

A public debate, ``Evolutionism vs. Creationism,'' is scheduled Oct. 5 at 6 p.m. at Northside High School Auditorium.

The pros and cons of the issue will be presented by Dr. Richard Karl Bambach, professor of paleontology

at Virginia Tech, and Dr. Duane T. Gish, associate director and vice president of the Institute for Creation Research based in Santee, Calif.

The debate, for which donations will be received, is sponsored by North Roanoke Baptist Church and by Indian Ridge Chapel at

Smith Mountain Lake.

250th anniversary

A 250th anniversary celebration is scheduled Sunday at New Providence Presbyterian Church near Raphine in Rockbridge County.

Speaking at the 10 a.m. worship will be former pastors John K. Boyd and Thomas T. Biggs.

Following potluck lunch at 12:30, another former minister, John H.H. Lewis, will preach.

An ice cream social concludes the day. Call 348-5881 for more information.

Baptist history

In preparation for the bicentennial celebration of Bedford Baptist Church in 1997, a history of the church is being offered at a pre-publication cost of $15.

Checks made to the church may be sent to 1516 Oakwood St., Bedford, by Sept. 30.

Brazilian guest

The general secretary of the Episcopal Church in Brazil is a guest through October of R.E. Lee Memorial Episcopal Church in Lexington.

The Rev. Mauricio Andrade of Porto Allegre will educate about the Anglican church in his country.

CWU president

Susan Shank Mix, a Disciples of Christ member and instructor in liturgical dance at Lynchburg College, has been elected national president of Church Women United, a Christian service organization. CWU, which supports multi-cultural worship and fellowship, has chapters throughout Western Virginia.

150th anniversary

St. Mary's Catholic Church in Wytheville, the oldest of the denomination in Southwestern Virginia, will celebrate its 150th anniversary Sept. 22.

Bishop Walter F. Sullivan of the Diocese of Richmond will celebrate the anniversary Mass at 11:30 a.m.

St. Paul anniversary

A celebration of 80 years of the use of the present building is planned Sunday at St. Paul Lutheran Church at Rural Retreat.

A service similar to one held in 1916 will begin at 11 a.m. with Virginia Synod Bishop Richard Bansemer of Salem the guest preacher; he is a former pastor.

The congregation dates to 1776, with five buildings used during the 220-year period. Call 686-4281 for more information.

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