Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Tuesday, September 17, 1996            TAG: 9609170111


Uncle Sam plans to tax birders, hikers

OMAHA, Neb. - Binoculars, bird seed, even hiking boots and canteens would be slapped with a new federal tax to raise money for wildlife conservation under a plan outlined Monday by Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt.

The idea would be to raise money from bird watchers and other outdoor enthusiasts who don't pay the traditional fishing and hunting taxes.

Babbitt said the money would be used strictly for education, recreation and conservation projects for more than 1,800 wildlife species not classified as endangered or game animals.The International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, which includes wildlife officials from all 50 states, Canada and Mexico, endorses the plan.

- Associated Press

Family cremates Tupac Shakur

LAS VEGAS - The family of Tupac Shakur had his remains cremated over the weekend and held their own private services for the slain rapper, who died six days after he was shot near the Las Vegas Strip.

Shakur, one of rap's most successful and notorious singers, was shot following a boxing match Sept. 7 in Las Vegas.

Police continue to investigate the shooting.

The 25-year-old rapper was mourned during a memorial service Sunday at his boyhood church in the New York City borough of Brooklyn.

- Associated Press

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