Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Saturday, September 28, 1996           TAG: 9609300004
                                             TYPE: LETTERS 


REGARDING the Virginia Military Institute's decision to admit women:

I hate to be the bearer of unpopular sentiments, but I believe that both sides in the VMI debate to admit women have overlooked at least two key issues. First, VMI is no longer needed for our nation's security. Furthermore, VMI (as well as the VWIL program) is an extravagance the state taxpayer should no longer be expected to bear.

I propose we preserve the hallowed tradition of the school by ceasing all admissions beyond this year's crop of freshman. Terminate the admissions process. After today's freshman class graduates, we should play ``Taps'' one final time and close the school. Draconian as this may sound, we should face the unpleasant fact that VMI's glory days are over. It's better to die a noble death than one from a thousand pinpricks.

Before the federal government declares pink warm-up suits mandatory and forcibly installs a statue of U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, what do you say, fellow Virginians, that we turn VMI into a museum of state history?

I don't claim to speak for Thomas J. Jackson, but I know that he gave up his life fighting for a worthy cause - freedom from tyranny. I think the citizens and taxpayers of our blessed commonwealth should ask ourselves if it isn't time to let VMI go totally private or die an honorable death?



When do the kids get considered?

WE THE parents of children who play football for the Roanoke City Recreation Club are concerned about Parks and Recreation cutting four of our football games. They said this was due to a lack of money, but yet they added more games for soccer players.

Therefore, we went to a Roanoke City Council meeting recently to address the issue and were made to look like complete fools. Councilman William White said, ``This is not the place to be bringing this up.'' So the concerned parents and coaches would like to know just where is the correct place? Councilman Jim Trout says there is money to fund the games that were taken away.

People in Roanoke do not like to see children in the streets. If they keep taking away from the children, that's exactly where they will end up.




Who says morals don't matter?

I AM NOT a Christian fanatic but I am a God-loving, God-fearing Christian. I don't agree with everything the so-called Christian Right says. However, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson do not seem to me to be steering anyone in the wrong direction.

Our country has gotten far off the right track, and we desperately need to return to the belief that there is right and wrong in this world. Most television shows are full of sex, violence or words I blush to hear. I wouldn't wish my grandchildren to see them.

Pray tell, who decided that character and morality don't count in our president? It did matter in some great men of the past, such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and many others. Our country became great because of such men as these. They believed in a higher power and that he is still the ruler of this universe - more powerful than any president, queen, king or any ruler on this earth.

I pray we get back on the right track, lest we end up the way of the Roman Empire. Let us search our conscience and vote for the man who will best lead us in the next four years.



No comparison to racial bias

REGARDING your Sept. 12 news article, ``Robb defends marriage vote'':

How can Sen. Robb or any supporters of homosexuality compare the ban on same-sex marriage with racial discrimination? The comparison is offensive to any intelligent person. One's ethnic background or the color of one's skin isn't immoral, whereas homosexuality is.

If this liberal view of discrimination is to be held, then why stop there? Why not let those who have sex with children, animals or the dead marry their mates? Let's pass a bill then that forbids discrimination against lawbreakers. After all, they can't help it because it's in their genes.

Just as ridiculous as these suggestions are, so is the suggestion that same-sex marriages should be allowed. To pass discrimination laws to protect these criminals against mankind is detrimental to every moral person in our country - if not the world.

Moral and upstanding people should be able to discriminate against immorality and wrongdoing just as the law that keeps people in society should be able to stand up against lawlessness. Let's stand up for what God calls "righteousness'' and call this sin of homosexuality the abomination that it is. Don't embrace it as a human right, lifestyle or sexual preference because it's none of these. It's a plague that needs to be eliminated from our society altogether.



LENGTH: Medium:   96 lines

by CNB