Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, September 29, 1996             TAG: 9609300096
SECTION: HORIZON                  PAGE: 6    EDITION: METRO 


JAMES JONES, 50, lives in Bedford County. His wife, Karen Nuzzo, a weaver and fabric artist, home schools their two sons, Garret, 9, and Goss, 13. Jones himself is a one-time fiddler who now makes stringed instruments for a living. The son of a music professor, Jones has a mail-order and special-order business, and is nationally known for his hammer dulcimers. Other instruments he makes include harps, mandolins, zithers and the occasional guitar.

Originally from Oregon and Wisconsin, Jones moved to the region 16 years ago.

Politically, Jones says, "I consider myself a Democrat. I would vote Republican. I definitely don't just vote along strict party lines. I try to assess a candidate as much as I'm able to. I guess that would classify me as an independent, wouldn't it?"


VIRGIL GOODE, the Democratic candidate, is a lawyer in Rocky Mount and member of the state Senate.

GEORGE LANDRITH, the Republican candidate, is a lawyer in Albemarle County and former member of the School Board there.

GEORGE "TEX" WOOD, the Virginia Independent Party/Reform Party candidate, is a college instructor from Patrick County. He was not an announced candidate at the time this conversation was held.

They are seeking the seat being vacated by Democratic Rep. L.F. Payne, who is stepping down. He plans to run for lieutenant governor next year. The district stretches from Charlottesville to Danville, and includes Bedford, most of Bedford County, Franklin County, Henry County, Martinsville and Patrick County.

For a complete transcript of this conversation and other election information, visit our on-line voters'guide at:

LENGTH: Short :   47 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  James Jones (center) after his interview with George 

Landrith (left) and Virgil Goode KEYWORDS: POLITICS CONGRESS

by CNB