Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, September 29, 1996             TAG: 9610010094
SECTION: HOMES                    PAGE: 1    EDITION: METRO 


Flower power coming your way via television

Kathy Lamancusa, host of the PBS television series "At Home with Flowers" offers these tips for making a bouquet of fresh flowers last longer:

Use a clean vase.

Remove all leaves that will be underwater to prevent decay and discourage bacteria growth.

Recut the stem of each flower underwater before placing into vase. This prevents air pockets from forming that block the water intake to the flowers.

Add floral preservative, also known as fresh flower food, to the vase. "Folk" practices such as adding aspirin, sugar, a copper penny, vodka or bleach to the water are less effective than floral preservative.

Keep fresh flowers away from fruit. Apples, pears, etc. emit ethylene, a gas that accelerates the life stages of flowers.

Place your arrangement away from harsh sunlight, heating vents and tops of televisions. These heat sources can accelerate plant water loss and food use.

For expert advice on floral varieties and their aftercare, call 800-837-6975 to order "Fresh Tips," a comprehensive floral guide based on Lamancusa's TV show, which airs in the Roanoke area on WBRA (Channel 15) on Monday's at 12:30 p.m.

A catalog for all

For the 98 million Americans who spent a total of $62 billion shopping from home last year, the Direct Marketing Association's all new Great Catalog Guide is a handy resource to help them locate the products and services they seek. Now, it is easier than ever for consumers to find their favorite catalogs and purchase the best products made, from hard-to-find gifts and gadgets to classic products for the home or wardrobe.

A full 75 percent larger than the previous edition, the Great Catalog Guide, Eighth Edition features 350 catalogs, conveniently divided into 70 product categories. For each company, the Guide provides information about how to request a catalog, place an order or make an inquiry. It also gives a brief description of the products offered and special services available, such as express delivery, bridal or baby registry, personal shoppers, monogramming, and gift services.

To receive of a copy of the Great Catalog Guide, Eighth Edition, send a $3 check or money order to: Great Catalog Guide, Direct Marketing Association, 1111 19th Street N.W., Suite 1100, Washington, D.C. 20036-3603.

Help in the kitchen

Thinking about remodeling your kitchen?

You might find some help in Maytag's 20-page, color booklet called "Your Helpful Guide to Kitchen Design." Included are 25 tips for smart kitchen design, a checklist for evaluating current kitchens and how a family's needs affect kitchen planning decisions. Other sections explain how kitchens function best and how to get the most for the remodeling dollar.

For your copy, send 50 cents to Maytag, Dept. 44PR, Newton, Iowa 50208.

What's new for you

nezTV - a system for using existing AC wiring in a home to transmit satellite and cable TV and VCR feeds anywhere there is an outlet in the house. The system consists of a palm-size transmitter and receiver that plugs into your existing electrical receptacles. Just plug any video source into the ezTV transmitter and then the transmitter into a wall outlet. It then distributes the TV signal throughout the house over the house's electrical wiring. Retails for $149.99 and is available by calling 800ELCOM123.

StableTable - an ironing board that its developer says improves the ironing process dramatically. According to research by Seymour, the world's largest manufacturer of ironing boards, consumers consistently rated four ironing board characteristics as most important: stability, safety, convenience and usable ironing surface. Seymour says StableTable is designed to address all four. Additional features include a venting feature to avoid moisture buildup, a Scotchgard-coated cover and a iron rest to help reduce wrist fatigue. Suggested retail price is $34.99.

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