Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Tuesday, October 15, 1996              TAG: 9610150105
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-3  EDITION: METRO 


Seventeen years of Washington and Lee football players have banded together to honor the memory of their late head coach, Gary Fallon.

From an idea born in the minds of the seniors on Fallon's last team, a scholarship has been established in Fallon's name.

Fallon, who became W&L's coach in 1978 and won more games than any other Generals coach, died of a heart attack in April 1995.

The seniors on Fallon's 1994 squad initiated the project by pledging more than $1,500 in donations. A committee of former players, coaches and friends then organized a unique system to establish the remainder of the fund. Captains from each year's team contacted their teammates and eventually raised about $50,000.

``It wasn't about money,'' said Trey Cox, a Generals tri-captain and linebacker in 1991 who is an attorney in Atlanta. ``We were trying to get as many people as possible to participate as much as anything.''

Cox, whose brother Steve was a captain in 1994, said the main thing he remembered about Fallon ``was how dedicated he was to all of us.''

Cox coordinated the effort with Frank Surface II, a 1960 W&L graduate whose three sons, Frank, David and John, played football for the Generals.

The university's development office told coach Frank Miriello such projects usually are slow in materializing.

``I thought it would take years,'' Miriello said. ``It just goes to show so much respect for Coach Fallon. They wanted to honor his memory in a hurry.''

The Gary R. Fallon Memorial scholarship will be awarded annually to a junior or senior - with preference given to a rising senior - who demonstrates financial need and displays the attributes of dedication and personal discipline that characterized Fallon.

The scholarship's first recipient will be announced at halftime of W&L's game Saturday against Hampden-Sydney in Lexington.

``This was the least we could do after everything he did for us,'' Cox said.

LENGTH: Short :   45 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  (headshot) Fallon

by CNB