Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Saturday, October 19, 1996             TAG: 9610210114
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-6  EDITION: METRO 


LINDA LONG has helped more of her basketball players reach agreements to play at the NCAA's top level.

Linda Long, who has seen three players go to Division I programs during her 15-year association with the girls' basketball program at Cave Spring High School, watched that number double this week.

Lisa Bryan picked Nebraska over a large group of Division I suitors, while twins Alyssa and Catie Redick committed to Campbell.

``I had talked with all three in September and said it would take a lot of the pressure off if they committed early,'' Long said Friday. ``They won't have to worry about who's watching them or what their stats might be. This is a done deal.''

Bryan, preparing for her fourth season on the varsity, averaged 5.5 points during an injury-plagued junior year but attracted considerable interest because of her height, 6 feet 4.

Coaches from Nebraska, East Carolina, Wake Forest, Richmond, North Carolina-Wilmington and Winthrop visited Bryan in her home. She scheduled visits to East Carolina, Nebraska and Wake Forest, but made her decision after visiting Nebraska and before she got to Wake.

``I think she has the potential to play at that level,'' Long said. ``The key is staying healthy.''

Alyssa Redick averaged 6.3 points last year, while her sister averaged 5.3, but it was their play in a national junior tournament and their height (6-1) that caught the eyes of college coaches.

``I was hopeful they would play well enough during the season to get an offer,'' Long said. ``It was a pleasant surprise when they went early.''

The Knights have sent Andrea Lucas to Winthrop, Lisa Allison to Campbell and Lisa Hodges to N.C. State in the time Long has been at Cave Spring as head coach or, previously, as an assistant to David Layman.

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by CNB