Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Monday, October 28, 1996               TAG: 9610290013
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-2  EDITION: METRO 


Green Bay's depleted receiving corps took another hit Sunday when Antonio Freeman broke his left forearm in his first start in place of the injured Robert Brooks.

Coach Mike Holmgren said Freeman, who will undergo surgery on Monday to insert a plate, will miss four to six games.

The second-year pro from Virginia Tech had taken over the featured role in the offense at flanker in place of Brooks, the Packers' top receiver who was lost for the season with a knee injury against San Francisco two weeks ago.

Freeman's injury leaves MVP quarterback Brett Favre with receivers Don Beebe, Desmond Howard and rookie Derrick Mayes - all in their first season in this West Coast offense.

General manager Ron Wolf said he's counting on Terry Mickens returning to the roster for Sunday's game against Detroit.

``I trust Mickens will be back this week and that would help,'' Holmgren said. ``I have my fingers crossed there. And then Beebe and Howard and Mayes will have a chance now to play.''

- Associated Press

LENGTH: Short :   34 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  AP. Former Virginia Tech standout Antonio Freeman is 

tended to by Green Bay teammate Dorsey Levens after Freeman broke

his left forearm in Sunday's game.

by CNB