Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, November 3, 1996               TAG: 9611050008
SECTION: HORIZON                  PAGE: 4    EDITION: METRO 
                                             TYPE: VOTER'S GUIDE 


D - Democrat

R - Republican

L - Libertarian

VIP - Virginia Independent Party/Reform Party

Describe a time recently when you exhibited leadership.


Mark Warner (D)

``I worked with the governor and the legislature to create the Virginia Health Care Foundation which has provided health care services to nearly 40,000 Virginians across the state.''

John Warner (R)

``A recent example is the initiative I took to get the anti-stalking legislation authored by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison enacted into law. Senator Hutchison's legislation had become bogged down in pre-election politics,'' so Warner added it to a defense bill to speed passage.


Virgil Goode (D)

``My efforts in the Virginia Senate in January of this year to have a sense of fairness between the parties and among the regions of the commonwealth in selecting committee chairs and committee members.''

George Landrith (R)

``I helped lead the Albemarle County School Board to adopt balanced budgets and improve academic standards. The conventional wisdom said more money was the only answer.''

Tex Wood (VIP)

``Leadership is example. People follow it. It isn't 'exhibited.' People who crow about their leadership give me a pain and are rarely leaders. I tend to find out what needs doing, find a way to do it, and then do it. Sometimes that requires others' help. When I get it, I'm probably leading.''


Bob Goodlatte (R)

``Leading the successful effort to get Interstate 73 routed to the Roanoke Valley required hard work in Washington, coalition building in the valley, and coordination with federal, state, and local elected officials and others involved in this major job-creating project.''

Jeff Grey (D)

``The company that I work for recently emerged from bankruptcy. As a union leader I worked closely with the company to resolve conflicts and restore company profitability. This cooperation may have saved scores of jobs.''

Jay Rutledge (L)

``I kept my mouth shut while someone else took credit yesterday.''


Rick Boucher (D)

``I took a leading role in writing the telecommunications reform legislation signed into law this year. My proposal to create competition in local telecommunications services, including cable television and local telephone service, is at the core of the reform.''

Patrick Muldoon (R)

``While working for the military, I was on an aircraft design team. I recognized our design was flawed and had to convince my fellow team members to start anew. Changing the design meant more work [but]the work we did formed the basis for an award-winning design.''

Tom Roberts (VIP)

``I believe that I am exhibiting leadership by running for Congress and doing my best to clearly and publicly explain, regardless of the political consequences, the problems and solutions that must be addressed to save our way of life.''

Tell us what government does best.


Mark Warner (D)

``Government works best in partnership with businesses and nonprofit groups. At the Virginia Health Care Foundation, we receive $6 in health care services for every dollar invested by the state. These kinds of partnerships bring the community together and bring out the best ideas.''

John Warner (R)

``Government does best those things which individual citizens and private-sector organizations can not do well in the service of the common good. Principal example of these activities include maintaining our national defense, securing civil order, and holding elections.''


Virgil Goode (D)

``Provide for the national defense.''

George Landrith (R)

``I believe as Thomas Jefferson did that government's purpose is to secure and protect our basic God-given rights. The constitution lists several aims of government - establish justice, provide for the common defense and secure the blessings of liberty for all Americans.''

Tex Wood (VIP)

``Government should `establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our property.' It should provide an infrastructure, secure our rights and manage our trade.''


Bob Goodlatte (R)

``Our federal government must provide for our national defense first and foremost. Roads and transportation, public safety, a sound retirement system and the protection of our natural resources are other key roles.''

Jeff Grey (D)

``Our government does best when it empowers the people.''

Jay Rutledge (L)

``Negatively, fostering dependency. Positively, national defense; enforcing contracts; punishing those who use force or fraud against others; enforcing free trade rules between states; offering prizes for demonstrated achievements of public value.''


Rick Boucher (D)

``The most appropriate activities are defending the nation, supporting public education, promoting the health care and financial security of older Americans, expanding our transportation, including airports and highways, and making investments in economic development.''

Patrick Muldoon (R)

``The founding fathers intentionally and wisely limited the role of the federal government to providing for the national defense, building the infrastructure necessary for industry and business and maintaining foreign relations.''

Tom Roberts (VIP)

``National defense, interstate highways and rhetoric.''

Tell us what government can't do.


Mark Warner (D)

``Solve every problem alone. Without community involvement, we will never solve difficult problems like teen pregnancy and drug abuse.''

John Warner (R)

``Government should not be engaged in commercial endeavors or enterprises which compete with the private sector.''


Virgil Goode (D)

``Government can't do everything for everybody, and it can't legislate morality or substitute for a strong family unit.''

George Landrith (R)

``Government cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong, it cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer, it cannot help the poor by destroying the rich, it cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.''

Tex Wood (VIP)

``Government can't provide the moral leadership we need to provide for ourselves, each of us in our own homes, churches and communities. Those who expect government to do so are even more frustrated when confronted with its failure to perform its constitutional duties.''


Bob Goodlatte (R)

``Government cannot replace moms and dads - especially the love, discipline, values, work ethic and example they set for their own children and in their neighborhoods. Government also cannot replace the vital role played by local churches and synagogues.''

Jeff Grey (D)

''Government cannot legislate morality, and the government cannot work properly without the participation of the people.''

Jay Rutledge (L)

``Government cannot banish evil, stop crime or make people better than they are. Government cannot decide what to do, cannot decide what to spend doing it and cannot do what is decided nearly as well as a society of free individuals can.''


Rick Boucher (D)

``I am a strong believer in free markets and private sector competition. Government should respect those principles and refrain from engaging in activities which can effectively be performed in the private sector.''

Patrick Muldoon (R)

``The government cannot solve all our problems and should not intrude into those decisions best left to families and communities.''

Tom Roberts (VIP)

``The federal government cannot solve all our problems. If allowed into our private lives it will, in general, make our problems worse. The government cannot continue to overspend without bad consequences.''

Give an example of when you took a personal risk, demonstrated courage or stood up for what you thought was right or appropriate.


Mark Warner (D)

``Running this campaign was a personal risk. I have had the good fortune to build a series of successful businesses, and I could simply continue with my business career. But I believe our economy is changing. We are exiting the industrial age and entering the information age. By the year 2000, 60 percent of all jobs will require computer skills. I passionately believe that we need leaders who understand the ramifications of this technology revolution. It's not easy running against an 18 year incumbent, but I believe that challenge is worth trying.''

John Warner (R)

``Throughout my adult life there are many such examples.Indeed, this election is an example. My record of service to Virginia is there for all to see. It is one based on the principles of integrity and leadership. It is one of putting principles before politics, state before party. Virginia is well known for her dynamic leadership - and dynamic leadership demands integrity, courage and experience. My campaign will answer the question: Can an elected leader vote his conscience, putting principle before politics, and win? The Virginia I know will answer yes.''


Virgil Goode (D)

``When the leadership on the Senate Rules Committee insisted on buying what I felt to be unnecessarily lavish desks, manufactured out of the state, for the General Assembly Office Building, I objected to those purchases. To this day, I sit at the locally made school teacher's desk first used by my uncle during the Depression.''

George Landrith (R)

``In 1994, I ran for Congress against a powerful and entrenched incumbent who was widely perceived as invincible. However, the incumbent had consistently voted for job-killing tax increases, wage-stagnating regulations and against our basic rights. No one else was willing to challenge the powerful incumbent, so my family and I committed to giving the voters a choice.''

Tex Wood (VIP)

``My volunteering as a U.S. Marine rifleman in the Vietnam War fits, as does my two-year-plus successful battle in federal court to open up the unconstitutional ballot restrictions in Virginia. This campaign for Congress is another example of necessary action against long odds. I certainly have gained nothing from those endeavors, but they and others were necessary.''


Bob Goodlatte (R)

``Voting for the Medicare Preservation Act. I knew some political types would use that vote to scare seniors - telling them I wanted to 'cut' Medicare when actually I was voting to protect and preserve this important program.''

Jeff Grey (D)

``When I accepted the nomination from the Democratic Party to be its candidate. I did so to stand up for what is right. The agenda of the 104th Congress was wrong for the people of this nation. It required personal risk for me to do this as well as courage. I am not wealthy and I had to take a leave of absence from my job. My family and I are living on our life savings to do this. We feel it is worth it because we do stand a real chance to win, and a real chance to stand up for what is right.''

Jay Rutledge (L)

``Although the personal risk involved and the courage required weren't particularly noteworthy, I stood against the draft and against the war in Vietnam when the majority was silent. I am standing now against the legal war on drugs.''


Rick Boucher (D)

``I have opposed the overwhelming popular national movement to lessen the freedom of speech rights of American citizens by restricting the scope of the First Amendment freedom of speech guarantee with reference to instances of flag desecration. While opposing a Constitutional amendment, I introduced a statutory alternative which constitutional scholars agree would empower the states to punish flag desecrators without weakening freedom of speech guarantees afforded by the United States Constitution.''

Patrick Muldoon (R)

``I am running for Congress because I strongly believe that the federal government is invading our lives, cheating American workers and schoolchildren, and shamefully diminishing the roles of God and family in our lives. My effort to represent the people of Southwestern Virginia places great demands on my wallet, time, energy, friends and family, but I will never regret my decision to provide voters in the 9th District with a better choice in November.''

Tom Roberts (VIP)

``After voting for Ronald Reagan in 1980, I dropped my support for him by 1982 when the deficit spending started at an increasing rate. When I voiced my concerns over the climbing deficit, I was often accused of being unpatriotic when the reverse was true.''

LENGTH: Long  :  271 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  11 photos. color. 

by CNB