Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Tuesday, November 12, 1996             TAG: 9611120117
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-2  EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: From Associated Press reports


Lou Tepper, his team on a four-game losing streak and coming off a 48-0 defeat to Ohio State, was fired Monday as football coach at Illinois.

Tepper, a former Virginia Tech defensive coordinator, will coach the Illini's last two games - at Minnesota on Saturday and against Wisconsin on Nov. 23.

``I would hope that the fans will support their [players'] efforts the rest of the season and during the transition to the new staff,'' Tepper said in a statement.

Illinois (2-7, 1-5 Big Ten) lost its first three games by a combined score of 116-11.

In other sports news:

* The Citadel fired football coach Charlie Taaffe and named interim coach Don Powers as his permanent replacement.

Taaffe had been suspended after his second drunken-driving arrest in three years.

Taaffe, 55-41-1 with one Southern Conference championship in nine seasons at The Citadel, taught physical education courses this semester but will leave by Dec.31, said R. Clifton Poole, the school's interim president.

Taaffe was not in his office and did not immediately return a telephone message left at his home. His lawyer, Akim Anastopoulo, said the coach still may sue to enforce his contract that includes a $75,000-a-year base salary.

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