Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Wednesday, November 13, 1996           TAG: 9611130097
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-2  EDITION: METRO 


There may have been differing opinions on the performance, but there was no questioning the outcome.

The William Byrd High School girls' basketball team overcame a team-wide case of the flu and a second-quarter case of the hacks (the fouling variety) to dump Tunstall 69-51 in a Region III quarterfinal.

The young Terriers may be without a senior on their roster, but they brought a bunch of runny noses and achy heads with them to Rustburg High School.

``We're just kind of sluggish right now,'' said Byrd coach Richard Thrasher. ``But I'm not trying to make any excuses.''

None was necessary. Aside from committing 11 fouls in the first half that helped the Trojans (11-10) lead 25-23 with 3:20 remaining before halftime, Byrd made few mistakes and controlled every aspect of the game. The Terriers (20-4) will try to do the same at 8 p.m. Thursday in a semifinal when they meet Seminole District champion Jefferson Forest. The 6:30 game features Gretna, a 62-46 quarterfinal winner over Brookville, against Blue Ridge District champ Lord Botetourt.

``I tried to find out everything I could about them and I couldn't find any weaknesses,'' said Tunstall coach Danny Turner. ``It looked like any other game to them.

``I feel like their regional and state experience was very evident tonight.''

One of William Byrd's more experienced players, junior Brandy Allen, and one of its less experienced players, sophomore Stephanie Parnell, had matching 19-point games. As the Terriers' two tallest players, they clearly were the primary options when Byrd ran its offense.

Parnell had her team's first four field goals and Allen made the next three. Parnell then sat out until the second half, but when she came back it was more of the same, with guards Dawn Chewning (six assists) and Andrea Gay (five assists) feeding them high and low.

``We were just running our press offense,'' Thrasher said. ``We were trying to push the ball as much as we could. I wish we could have done it more.''

Holding a 33-27 advantage at halftime, Byrd charged to a 50-34 lead by the 2:55 mark of the third quarter. Tunstall did not make a two-point field goal until 13 seconds remained in the period.

Senior guard Melissa Dixon, the Dogwood District's player of the year, tried to shoot the Trojans back into the game, but her 20 points weren't nearly enough. Senior forward Crystal Patterson added 10.

Thrasher credited his players for suppressing their ills, and noted they are only one victory away from the Group AA tournament.

``I hope we stay focused on the things we do well and correct the things we don't do well,'' he said.

Thrasher was asked if the Terriers learned anything from the game.

``Yeah,'' he said, ``Get some rest, and don't get sick.''

NOTE: Please see microfilm for scores.

LENGTH: Medium:   60 lines

by CNB