Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, November 14, 1996            TAG: 9611150004


Soccer club offers indoor leagues

If you get your kicks playing soccer, the season does not end when the weather turns cold. The Roanoke Valley Soccer Club Inc. is offering indoor soccer leagues.

The deadline to register teams for the second of two recreation indoor seasons is Dec. 20, with the games being played from Jan. 23 to March 7. Boys' divisions I and III and girls' divisions I and II are included in this season.

Recreation teams sanctioned by the Virginia Youth Soccer Association can participate in this indoor league.

The entry fee per team is $210.

The club will also offer indoor travel and adult leagues, with seasons that run from Jan. 7 through the end of February.

The deadline to register for the indoor travel league is Dec. 6, and the entry fee per team is $175, or $275 if two teams are formed from one outdoor team. Teams from the Blue Ridge Classic League can participate in the travel league.

The deadline to register for the indoor adult league is Dec. 13, and the entry fee per team is $225. Teams from the Roanoke area may participate.

All games will be played at North Cross High School's old gym and the Lancerlot in Vinton. Teams will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Checks should be made payable to the Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Club and mailed to P.O. Box 21848, Roanoke, VA 24018.

For more details, call Danny Beamer or Rebecca Lopez at 772-3871, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. or leave a message after-hours.

Harris to speak at NNEO banquet

Pamela Lynette Harris, senior legal assistant in the state Department of Health Professions' Administrative Proceedings Division, will be speaker at the annual Appreciation Banquet of the Northwest Neighborhood Environmental Organization at 6 p.m. Friday at the Airport Holiday Inn.

Speaking on "Building Neighborhoods of Hope," Harris will talk about the positive impact on residents and on all of Roanoke of the NNEO's award-winning home-buying and home rehabilitation programs. Harris, a graduate of the University of Virginia and T.C. Williams School of Law at the University of Richmond, is a native of Roanoke, grand-niece of NNEO founder Florine Thornhill and daughter of Harold and Louise Hunt.

To reserve $20 tickets for the fund-raising dinner, call 343-5674. Music will be provided by the Randolph Brothers.

Spend free time as a volunteer

Several agencies in the Roanoke Valley are in need of volunteers to serve in many capacities:

The Meals-on-Wheels program sponsored by LOA Area Agency on Aging needs help delivering lunches for about an hour from 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

For more information call Amanda Crabtree at 345-0451 or Mary Chambers at 344-1065.

*The Literacy Volunteers of America-Roanoke Valley is seeking tutors over age 18 to help adults improve their reading, writing and conversational skills. For more information, contact Nancy Chapin, 345-5081.

*The Science Museum of Western Virginia and the Art Museum of Western Virginia need volunteers to serve as guides, help in the office and care for animals. For more information, call Polly Jones at the science museum, 224-1204 or Ann Goldsmith at the art museum, 224-1201.

*The Teen Outreach Program needs tutors to help students in basic algebra and English for one to two hours per week on Tuesdays or Thursdays. For more information, call Gabe Saker or Cheri Hartman, 774-9223 or 982-8365.

*Mentors are needed to work with the graduates of Job Corps to provide follow-up support services. Training is provided. For more information, call Joel Cohen, (800)782-5227.

*The Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors bureau is looking for people to staff information tables. Volunteers would give directions and answer questions about the Roanoke Valley. For more information, call Nancy Burnside, 342-6025.

For further information about volunteer opportunities in the Roanoke Valley, call the Council of Community Services Voluntary Action Center, 985-0131.

LENGTH: Medium:   82 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  (harris) Harris

by CNB