Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, November 17, 1996              TAG: 9611160008
COLUMN: Workplace


The man, a well-paid professional, was very serious when he said he wanted to ask me a question:

``My wife's work hours have increased,'' he said. ``She's working a 60-to-80-hour week - with no overtime pay.''

But it wasn't the lack of compensation that worried him.

``We have two small children, and I'm also working longer and harder hours,'' he said. ``The cracks are beginning to appear. We do our best to share all family responsibilities, but the stress is awful. What can we do?''

I told him I didn't have very encouraging advice, but the fact that he and his wife were aware of the problem is Step 1 toward its solution.

And I added: ``But you and your wife deserve congratulations for doing your best. You can't do anything more but hang in there. Businesses have to change their attitude toward work and family. They have to make the corporate culture more family friendly.''

Slowly, very slowly, corporations are doing just that. Nationwide, there is a multitude of programs being introduced that make a difference.

Among them: flexible hours, job sharing, benefits for domestic partners, child-care referral, child-care subsidies, on-site child care, sick child care, vacation child care, elder care, support groups, telecommuting, work from home, compressed workweeks, sabbaticals, vacation banks and more.

``There is a growing number of companies every year that introduce programs or add to them ,'' said Ellen C. Bankert, associate director for corporate programs at the Center on Work and Family at Boston University.

Bankert is an economist with an undergraduate degree from St. Lawrence University in Canton, N.Y., and an MBA from Boston University. She's on top of what corporations are doing to help their workers handle family responsibilities and also of what needs to be done.

At Boston University, the economist manages the center's work and family round table, a national membership organization of 35 companies with innovative policies. They include such heavy hitters as Motorola Inc., Merck & Co., Levi Strauss Associates Inc., Eli Lilly and Co. and Texas Instruments Inc.

``Only a small percentage of corporate leaders actually believe these programs give them a competitive edge - but we're making progress,'' said Bankert, who has researched family friendly policies with Bradley K. Googins, director of the center.

Despite the encouraging news - and it is encouraging - Bankert's concern is that introducing a program or two is not enough, and that ``some companies are claiming victory prematurely.''

``Simplistic solutions'' won't correct all ills or balance completely work and family responsibilities, she says.

What is needed is a change in the culture of business organizations, Bankert emphasizes, echoing my comments to the stressed-out man who spoke to me.

``Those changes vary by company, but one thing that should change is `face' time - being judged only by your physical presence in the office rather than by your output,'' the economist said. ``There's no reason you have to come in early and stay late if it conflicts with your family schedule, just because your boss or co-workers do.''

Another change needed is the attitude toward new mothers, who often are viewed as if their ``commitment to their work is less,'' she said. ``Asking to work a reduced schedule for a certain period of time or deciding not to go for the next promotion doesn't mean you have less commitment.''

It means you have a family.

Bankert also urges, as the corporate culture changes in accommodating workers with families, that employees who are single or don't have children ``should not be treated as if they have nothing else to do after work.''

The economist, who is married and has two children under the age of 3, has plenty to do after work but emphasizes that she is lucky because she has ``complete flexibility to work where and when I want.''

That's an arrangement that would satisfy many working parents, but short of that nirvana, corporations have to show they're aware of the stressful situations many employees face.

``It's a larger cultural issue of how do we get work done and run a successful business that potentially will be a more family-friendly workplace,'' Bankert said.

``Companies need to meet employees halfway.''

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