Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Saturday, November 23, 1996            TAG: 9611260011


Thanksgiving service

The Rev. Dr. John Dunstan, pastor of Bedford Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), will preach for the community's Thanksgiving service Wednesday at 7 p.m at Main Street United Methodist Church. An offering will be taken for four church-supported service programs: Bedford Christian Ministries, the Shepherd's Table, the Free Clinic and Bedford Jail Ministries.

Advent program

Disciples of Christ congregations in the Roanoke Valley and Alleghany Highlands will sponsor an Advent program for the public on Dec. 1 at 6 p.m., including the play "The Littlest Angel" and music by adult and children's choirs of churches involved. A reception follows. The service marks the first Sunday in the Christmas preparatory period of Advent and emphasizes a theme of solemn waiting for Jesus. The program will be at First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 712 Front Ave. in Salem.

Healing group

The Well, a new Christian community with a focus on spiritual healing, will sponsor a dialogue, "When Healing Happens" Tuesday. Led by Carol Young, it will be at Montvale Fellowship Chapel in Bedford County. Programs each Tuesday night at 7 during the pre-Christmas season include Greg Trafidlo, folk musician, on Dec. 3; Susan Mix, liturgical dancer, on Dec. 10; music of the Nativity on Dec. 17; and a Christmas Eve candlelight service Dec. 24. Call 947-5170 for more information.

Historical document

Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg has received a collection of historical documents from descendants of Jacob R. Hildebrand, a Mennonite deacon and pastor who lived in Augusta County for much of the 19th century. The papers, including the original "Mennonite Journal," were donated by John R. Hildebrand of Salem; earlier this year he published a book on his great-grandfather's experiences as a pacifist during the Civil War. Call 432-4169 for more information.

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by CNB